The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Kipp stopped at the door remembering he wanted to exchange contact info with people.

"No. I- I almost died a few years ago. The person I was with did die. If the cops call my dad..." He trailed off imagining the worst possible out come.

"If I call, I won't get a word in at all, he'll yell at me for skipping school Friday." He said leaning his head against the door frame.
Fred shot him a sympathetic smile, he knew how hard it was for Kipp to talk about Isabelle
“It’s a pretty crappy plan” Ellie said
Kyle stood up and glared at her. He thought he had poured a great deal of wisdom and grace into that plan, and Laurel had to agree with him when he suggested it.
Kipp stopped at the door remembering he wanted to exchange contact info with people.

"No. I- I almost died a few years ago. The person I was with did die. If the cops call my dad..." He trailed off imagining the worst possible out come.

"If I call, I won't get a word in at all, he'll yell at me for skipping school Friday." He said leaning his head against the door frame.
I guess I'm really lucky with the parents I have, Cam thought. She was very lucky to have such an awesome, fun-loving dad and understanding mother that always wanted to keep on good terms with her, always asking if she needed guidance rather than being quick to accuse if she wasn't doing well in school. Especially in a place where a lot of people don't even know their dads.
Kyle sighed and slumped against the base of the phone (the receiver had been confiscated by Take) splaying his palms on his thighs and sighing. Sometimes being the adult was so hard. And when Colby used his surname with a big fat mister at the beginning it was so much harder, and he felt like he had to explain his actions, step by step.
"I already explained the situation," he said. "I know you all have better ideas, but this is the best way I can think of. And this way, your absences are more excusable. If anyone here has difficulty getting home, the cost of living for little people is very low. I can afford public transportation if need me, not matter how far you must go."
Take glared at Kyle coldly until Elias picked up, and he quickly started to explain everything angrily, “Just get here soon, the cops are on their way” and with that, he nearly slammed the telephone back on the receiver, but controlled his anger enough not to break or melt it. He turned away from the telephone and got out of Cams way.

Kipp hurriedly choked down the large mouthful of bread he had and drank the hot soup ignoring the burning.

"I'm outta here!" he said coughing. "The cops can't call my family. You have no idea how they'll react to that!" He said anxiously as he moved toward the door. "I can't be here when the cops get here."
“I’ll get you home Kipp, trust me” he said and glanced at everyone else, “If you guys want to deal with the cops, stay here. I’m going downstairs to wait for Elias, he’s coming for me and anyone else” Take headed down into the basement without another word, apparent anger and frustration on his face from how difficult Kyle made this situation.
Take glared at Kyle coldly until Elias picked up, and he quickly started to explain everything angrily, “Just get here soon, the cops are on their way” and with that, he nearly slammed the telephone back on the receiver, but controlled his anger enough not to break or melt it. He turned away from the telephone and got out of Cams way.

“I’ll get you home Kipp, trust me” he said and glanced at everyone else, “If you guys want to deal with the cops, stay here. I’m going downstairs to wait for Elias, he’s coming for me and anyone else” Take headed down into the basement without another word, apparent anger and frustration on his face from how difficult Kyle made this situation.
“Wait for me. It’s my only way home” Fred hurried after him
Take glared at Kyle coldly until Elias picked up, and he quickly started to explain everything angrily, “Just get here soon, the cops are on their way” and with that, he nearly slammed the telephone back on the receiver, but controlled his anger enough not to break or melt it. He turned away from the telephone and got out of Cams way.

“I’ll get you home Kipp, trust me” he said and glanced at everyone else, “If you guys want to deal with the cops, stay here. I’m going downstairs to wait for Elias, he’s coming for me and anyone else” Take headed down into the basement without another word, apparent anger and frustration on his face from how difficult Kyle made this situation.
Kipp nodded and headed back inside. "Is there a pen or anything to write with around here?" He asked Kyle quietly, he knew Kyle hadn't intended to make things difficult, how was he supposed to know about his circumstances. "I want to get some phone numbers."
Take glared at Kyle coldly until Elias picked up, and he quickly started to explain everything angrily, “Just get here soon, the cops are on their way” and with that, he nearly slammed the telephone back on the receiver, but controlled his anger enough not to break or melt it. He turned away from the telephone and got out of Cams way.

“I’ll get you home Kipp, trust me” he said and glanced at everyone else, “If you guys want to deal with the cops, stay here. I’m going downstairs to wait for Elias, he’s coming for me and anyone else” Take headed down into the basement without another word, apparent anger and frustration on his face from how difficult Kyle made this situation.
Cam shrugged and carefully picked up the telephone, almost as though she thought it would burn her.
She held it to her ear and pressed out her mother's number, fingers gittering as she came in contact with the old-fashioned technology.
"Hello?" She waited. Thirty seconds of silence. Does this stupid thing even work?
Beep. Beeeep. Her mother's voice emerged. "This is Andrea Millian. I am sorry but I am not currently available to receive your call."
Cam angrily redialed. Coming from Missouri she probably thought it was a robo-call or something.
"Mom? Mom, this is Cameron."
A broken voice crackled at the other end. "Cameron? Is that you?"
"Yes Mom."
A sob. "Cam, we've been looking all over for you. We've called the police... we've been frantic. What are you doing in Missouri?"
"Sorry, this is, erm, a borrowed phone," Cam replied, immediately guilty, remembering the text message on Clary's phone that went unanswered. She must be so worried about me. I've got to tell her the truth. She deserves to know. But she won't believe me.
"Mom, I was kidnapped. I just got... not kidnapped. I needed you to know I'm ok."
"You were kidnapped? Honey, are you okay? Who kidnapped you? Why haven't I gotten a call from the police? Are you okay?" Her mother was hysterical.
Deep breath.
"Yes Mom, crazy as it may sound, I got out okay. And the police haven't called yet, but they will soon." Cam sighed. "I'm sorry but uh... people are waiting for me?."
"What people? Cameron?"
Cam looked back at the phantom line of people waiting for a turn on the phone. "I love you Mom, bye." She sighed and set the phone back on the base, less forcefully than Take. She didn't want to hear it anymore. It wasn't her fault, but she seemed guilty for worrying her parents by disappearing.
Cam walked away from the stone and grabbed a bowl of the broccoli cheese, not even bothering to reuse the other foam bowl.
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Kipp nodded and headed back inside. "Is there a pen or anything to write with around here?" He asked Kyle quietly, he knew Kyle hadn't intended to make things difficult, how was he supposed to know about his circumstances. "I want to get some phone numbers."
Kyle tugged on a roll of paper towels hanging above his head and pointed at a stray pen lying next to the cash register. "Acceptable?" he asked.
It all happened in a flash. A blinding blue light, Blair's eyes meeting Take's briefly before she was thrown into the darkness of the basement.
Then she was sitting quietly in the coffee shop across from Take, quickly downing a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of coffee with Kit laying at her feet.
Then Kyle announced he had called the cops.
The cops.
She nearly flung herself out of her chair, staggering over Kit. "You called the cops?!" It took all of her not to just scream at him. "My parents will kill me! I won't get a single word in!" Half of the words were uttered under her breath in panicked gasps as she stepped back, falling into her chair, the rest getting out in high pitched whimpers.
She brought her knees to her chest, burying her face in her hand. Mom can't find out. Mom can't find out. Mom can never find out.
Then she heard Take say something about Elias, and her heart jumped. If Elias got there and brought them home before the cops got there, the cops would never try and call her parents, and things would go easier. Hopefully.
It all happened in a flash. A blinding blue light, Blair's eyes meeting Take's briefly before she was thrown into the darkness of the basement.
Then she was sitting quietly in the coffee shop across from Take, quickly downing a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of coffee with Kit laying at her feet.
Then Kyle announced he had called the cops.
The cops.
She nearly flung herself out of her chair, staggering over Kit. "You called the cops?!" It took all of her not to just scream at him. "My parents will kill me! I won't get a single word in!" Half of the words were uttered under her breath in panicked gasps as she stepped back, falling into her chair, the rest getting out in high pitched whimpers.
She brought her knees to her chest, burying her face in her hand. Mom can't find out. Mom can't find out. Mom can never find out.
Then she heard Take say something about Elias, and her heart jumped. If Elias got there and brought them home before the cops got there, the cops would never try and call her parents, and things would go easier. Hopefully.
Ah, I see. It was a perfect plan. I just forgot to factor in teenagers, Kyle thought. Everything was a big deal for them and they always seemed to think that the crevice between them and their parents was just too deep to cross. He totally understood, of course. It wasn't long since he was one himself. But tiny teens tended to be less defiant in a world that could crush them with one stomp of it's great foot.
Clary sank down into the chair, pulling her phone out. She flipped through her contacts, clicking on the one that said Davis.
Yo, I’ve kinda been kidnapped, taken literally around the globe to fight giant bugs and stop a curse, and now the cops are coming. How am I going to explain this to my parents? Her finger hovered over the send button, but after taking a deep breath she sent it. Almost instantly, she saw he was typing a reply.

How does someone ‘accidentally’ get kidnapped? You either do or you don’t. There’s no such thing as accidents when it comes to kidnapping. Davis replied.

That’s it? Ur not worried about me? Wow, ur a great friend. -_-
Clary glanced around the coffee shop, waiting for a reply. Her phone dinged, and she looked back down at it.

Ha, that’s what happens when you ditch me. Just tell him what you told me. I’m sure there’s an open spot in a psych ward somewhere. ;P

Clary rolled her eyes. And be your new roommate? No thanku. But seriously, any ideas?

Oh you turd. That’s mean. But nah, I got nothing. Sorry Smith.

Clary blew a strand of hair out of her eyes, grimacing. Come on, ur creative, you can make something up. And if you do, dinners on me. ;3

Hmmm, tempting... fine, I’ll see what I can do. Keep me posted. Davis out.

Clary sent a simple goodbye and then tucked her phone back into her pocket, fingering the small pebble. “How long do we have until the cops arrive?” She asked.

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