THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I set this morning. I was tired last night and couldn't figure out how to accommodate the extra eggs going in. First group was set Easter Sunday, shipped eggs set in cartons. Now I'm setting more tall eggs ( turkeys) and marans which I often can't see the point so set on the side until the air cell develops. In my LG the air is not evenly warm at 99.5 every where, the bottom is cooler.

My solution, I think , is to build a Lego platform to raise the eggs up into the 99.5 zone. Better go tell the boys to get building!

I set:

BR turkey
buff orpingtons

May add more today.
Ok, here we go - 11 easter eggers and easter egger crosses and one welsummer over americauna (please hatch and be a girl olive egger!)

and my "map" - the green lettered spaces are ones set today, the names are other hatches, different colors for different hatch dates.
Ok, here we go - 11 easter eggers and easter egger crosses and one welsummer over americauna (please hatch and be a girl olive egger!)

and my "map" - the green lettered spaces are ones set today, the names are other hatches, different colors for different hatch dates.

Wow, you are definitely organized!! I write everything in a notebook, or else I would forget!
Wow, you are definitely organized!! I write everything in a notebook, or else I would forget!
I have a 3 ring binder too, I keep other info in, but this is my white board. I was printing out sheets, but this is less waste. I made my lines with sharpie and now I can write and erase as much as I need to :)
I was not going to set any more chicken eggs for a while, since I don't need any more chicks, but did it anyway. Got a nice "eclectic" mixture from the Columbia egg swap. Set those today and will set some quail later.
@ Coop de GRille

In the future, consider making baskets to separate chicks at hatch. Tops prevent little chicks from climbing on an egg and hopping over barrier and it also prevents viewing their activities unfortunately.

You can use plastic needlepoint canvas to fashion boxes of desired sizes.
I keep track of my sales, my thermometer readings (like what ones read what and if they are off any) and same with hygrometers, what hens layer that day (easy right now, I only have 6 hens and all lay different colors (well, I have 2 white layers, but those are different sizes), weights of eggs and candling info, past hatch info all in my 3 ring binder.

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