THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I just set my first batch of Marans eggs from my own breeding flock today! I'm so eggcited! And I didn't even realize they're due to hatch on mothers day until just now
(I'm so observant
) I'm hoping to get lots of cute little fuzzballs for my first mothers day as a mom!
Wish them luck!
@ Coop de GRille

In the future, consider making baskets to separate chicks at hatch. Tops prevent little chicks from climbing on an egg and hopping over barrier and it also prevents viewing their activities unfortunately.

You can use plastic needlepoint canvas to fashion boxes of desired sizes.

Arielle, II made these for the Easter Hatch Disaster but, instead of the needlepoint canvas top, I used 1/2" hardward cloth. Worked great and I could see everything perfectly.
Got the camera charged up. Here are my seven little beauties set on Thursday the 19th. Fingers crossed for SLW SLW SLW SLW SLW SLW !!!!! I think there may be one or two SLW/BR in the mix.

Set these eggs this afternoon - 12 shipped (7 lavendar orps and 5 blue polish) and 6 of our own eggs (4 EE and 2 BCM) Couldn't take picture of them in the incubators because they are going into several different ones. I'm testing myself with staggered hatches and so far, so good! I have one incubator for hatching

Set these eggs this afternoon - 12 shipped (7 lavendar orps and 5 blue polish) and 6 of our own eggs (4 EE and 2 BCM) Couldn't take picture of them in the incubators because they are going into several different ones. I'm testing myself with staggered hatches and so far, so good! I have one incubator for hatching

Pretty, pretty, pretty!!!
I set 7 eggs from my own flock. I am expecting 30+ either monday or tuesday. We will see how this goes. I am excited!!!

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