THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

OK everyone, Today is the last day to join up or set eggs!!!! and Tomorrow night at 11:59pm ET Time is the last day to enter pics for the broody hen contest. I will then take all of the pics that have been entered and put the pics on a poll to vote on for one week only! The winner will get 6+ serama eggs from crazypetlady!! does anyone know where there is a good place to set up the poll??

Hey java...shoot ChooksChick a PM, I'll bet she could help you out with this one.
Good luck.
I hope something is growing for you!!!
Ok is there a thing like a 12 step program for me?
I just counted all my chickens.
I included the big to small ones. I didn't count the ones in the bator. I didn't realize how many I have!! I need help!!
Unless this is the chicken math that everyone talks about. I have something wrong with me I guess.
Yup, that's chicken math!!!

OK, now for my unofficial broody pic...I'm pretty sure this doesn't count.
It might not count for the broody contest (I have no idea), but it would definitely count for the Chickens with Children or Animals contest week three!
What an awesome dog to be so good with that chick!

Well, I missed you all yesterday! I had a friend from college who I haven't seen in at least 5 years come in from Nebraska, so I had a really nice visit until very, very late.
Yesterday was, of course, Day 5 (Here's two different eggs on Day 5):

And today will be Day 6:

Chicken Addicts Anonymous been started yet?!

I am setting MORE eggs today! I just got a dozen silke eggs and will pop them in the incubator today. Since I already have duck eggs, and silkied Ameraucaunas set, I'm already in here. But SERIOUSLY.... you guys are terrible influences!!!!!!!!
Ok I candled noe I'm afraid. Every egg I picked up with the exception of my test silkie pen is growing!! I checked all 3 shelves. The silkies, the EE turkens, the EE, OE, lav amers all of them. I couldn't see in the Maran eggs but uh oh I set 153 mostly shipped eggs... It's still along way to go but I hope i don't get more than I can sell. I only checked about 30. I will do a full candle in a few days. :rolleyes:
Chicken Addicts Anonymous :eek:

Hi, I'm what did I do, I've candles my eggs in the bator twice ;) I've looked online for fertile in my area :D I'm planning on how to get more hatches in next year :lol: I'm looking at those who stack eggs. :p I'm wondering why I have to go on vacation when I could be hatching eggs :/

Help me

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