THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

And the winner of the broody hen contest is..................... MrsMoonCat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Prize is 6+ Serama eggs from crazypetlady!
Trying to catch up. Busy weekend and I just finished the Cinco de Mayo posts. I was 222 behind and only 146 here, but had to say.................

awwwwwww I want land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've wanted Emu for over 25 years and darn it I'm going to have some eventually!
they are adorable.. I had to give this little guy a buddy since he was lonely (all the other emu chicks are outside and a lot bigger than he is)

they were hatched the same day.. so yeah.. emu chicks are that big!

I have a few questions. I have 11 eggs are due to hatch on Mothers Day and 12 eggs due three days later in the same incubator. Lockdown would be Wednesday pm. I have to catch an early flight on Wednesday AM, is it ok to take them out of the egg turner and put them in lockdown on Tuesday night? My mother will be here to hand turn the 12 OE eggs that are not due til three days later, but what do I do about humidity? How high should it be? Should the 12 remaining eggs just stay in lockdown til they hatch? I don't have a second incubator so they have to stay together.

I wish I didn't have to go out of town but I have no choice.
I am afraid all of mine are dead. Saturday we weren't home and it was a really hot day (got up to 93 degrees outside) When we got home the house was really hot and the temp on the incubator said 106...
They are due Thursday so I guess we will just wait and see. I tried to candle but I can't really see much.

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