The " my feeder an waterer thread"

I posted these on another thread too, but here are my feeders. We built three:

Here are my waterers: not in place yet as I have to get the stand and the zip ties to hold them in place:
This is my feeder. I cant get it to auto fill though. Maybe too small pipe?
There is a video on you tube that talks about the autofeeders like this not refilling. It said to make sure your fill pipe 100% straight top to bottom. If it is leaning at all , it will prevent it from refilling. Hope this helps.
I've tried that for a few hours but only one hen gets it. I have 2 of the 4 nipples on permanent drip. I read to try cherry tomatoes or grapes on the nipple stem. Guess ill try that today. I'm just afraid to dehydrate them as its been hot here. :(
I've tried that for a few hours but only one hen gets it. I have 2 of the 4 nipples on permanent drip. I read to try cherry tomatoes or grapes on the nipple stem. Guess ill try that today. I'm just afraid to dehydrate them as its been hot here.
I had the same problem but finally figured out a way to help "train" them. I took away the other water sources and when I had a good chunk of time, I made sure the chicks saw me flicking the nipples. They didn't care about that per se, but as soon as I got a drop to stay in place on the bottom of a nipple, they would go for it, then just stop. I had to repeat this over and over until by accident 3 chicks all went for the same drop and moved the nipple enough to produce water without me. Once they saw what they had done, my work was finished
and the others just followed behind.
Here are mine. Though, in retrospect, I think I would do my waterer differently. I forget who the genius was, but they made a waterer from a large plastic tub you can find at Walmart and put a bunch of nipple waterers on the bottom. I would still have it feed from the gutters automatically, but wish I though of that or seen the other example sooner! Oh well.

How can you train chickens to use nipple waterers?
We didn't have to train ours. We set them up and flicked the nipples several times, the hens were nosey enough to come see what was going on. The other birds followed right behind and they immediately caught on. The only other water source we have now is the duck pool.

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