-The Mythics RP-

Gonna fricken delete his whole character you punk MJ we think too similarly-
Now it's like he never existed 💀
sarcastic johnny depp GIF

I'll think up a character. This time with twists so insane you'll NEVER EVEN GUESS, Matty. *Goes into hardcore brainstorm mode*
The Divergent series has forever ruined the name Tobias for me
Sobs. Divergent and Hunger Games belong at the bottom of the Grinch's nasty dumpster fire.
I highly regret watching the first two Divergent movies before I read the books. I was highly disgraced with the second one especially
So I forbid myself from watching The Hunger Games before I'd read the books
I highly regret watching the first two Divergent movies before I read the books. I was highly disgraced with the second one especially
So I forbid myself from watching The Hunger Games before I'd read the books
i read them first dont worry but i still really don't like them. its one of my friends favs tho which i do NOT understand

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