The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Take a look in the "other place" about the Kahm yeast. This is likely what you're getting in the beginning and then it's proliferating into something more nasty. It also tells the reasons of them being not acidic enough to keep the yeast in check before the LABs can take over. If you want me to repost it here I can.

In this case, you can try skimming it off the top and add in some ACV (for an initial acidification) and more water. Sometimes I'm able to remedeate a batch and get it acidic enough to keep the yeast in check until the LABs can grow.
I've tried vinegar - it only worked temporarily and then went nasty again. I would have to use so much it would turn the flavor of the FF. I have SPORES! LOL!

I shares most in the photography thread but thought id share a few here as well. My horses are finally all intergrated with the boarders/rescues :). Their not natural chickens but they ARE Natural horses

Wonderful photos! Glad to hear the horses are doing so well!

Got 2 more new babies today!!! All 3 looking happy and healthy!

Chick on far right is the one who hatched Sunday - one on far left just hatched, and one still in egg...

This is the one that came out of that last egg - really pretty!

Next is a sequence - mama Cloud was a little concerned about the babies being too far from her getting their photos taken, so she called them back and one of them got scolded...


The proud daddy...
And just for fun... my cochin boy Monsoon - getting big! He still hasn't crowed that I know of.
The chicks are beautiful and that is a really pretty roo!
Can I rant?

Vegans often (not all) really bother me. Why do they try to force their beliefs down our throats? I just don't get it. It's not like we are stuffing hamburgers in their mouth.

What makes them feel we are inadequate to them?

Often their arguments relate to factory farming, which I don't agree to in the first place.. How in the world is properly raised meat a bad thing?

How is letting a cow get old and die of old age a good thing?

Boggles my mind!

Sometimes I just don't know what to say. It just aggravates me.
I'm from California, living in Texas, only because this is where my husband grew up, and he loves it here. I have the same problem with hardcore Christians, lol. Keep your beliefs to yourself, don't shove them down my throat, you don't judge me and I will not judge you. Words I live by, lol.
Camille, I am experiencing serious barn envy! It's beautiful :)

I know we have touched on the topic before but due to my current situation, I am wondering if everyone would mind sharing both your biosecurity practices and how you find healthy birds/chicks/hatching eggs from reliable sources. Is there NPIP certification here in Canada or something similar?

Would love some input!
Can I rant?

Vegans often (not all) really bother me. Why do they try to force their beliefs down our throats? I just don't get it. It's not like we are stuffing hamburgers in their mouth.

What makes them feel we are inadequate to them?

Often their arguments relate to factory farming, which I don't agree to in the first place.. How in the world is properly raised meat a bad thing?

How is letting a cow get old and die of old age a good thing?

Boggles my mind!

Sometimes I just don't know what to say. It just aggravates me.
You are so cute..this is pretty funny. Its the heat making you bothered more than usual.

There is nothing wrong with them having firm beliefs. Sometimes it is hard to understand where they are coming from, just as it is hard for them to understand where you are coming from.
Camille, I am experiencing serious barn envy! It's beautiful

I know we have touched on the topic before but due to my current situation, I am wondering if everyone would mind sharing both your biosecurity practices and how you find healthy birds/chicks/hatching eggs from reliable sources. Is there NPIP certification here in Canada or something similar?

Would love some input!

Vicki wrote an article on bio-security and how she introduces her birds. It is at this link.
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Camille, I am experiencing serious barn envy! It's beautiful

I know we have touched on the topic before but due to my current situation, I am wondering if everyone would mind sharing both your biosecurity practices and how you find healthy birds/chicks/hatching eggs from reliable sources. Is there NPIP certification here in Canada or something similar?

Would love some input!
Purchasing healthy birds off your property is a possibility. Do some research first before you purchase. Eggs are a risk. Diseases can be passed threw eggs. If someone is selling diseased eggs, others have gotten them too. I make sure others have hatched from them before I purchase.

Bio Security:

Isolate all new bird for two week in an area away from your flock for two weeks. Observe and note anything that seems off. Feed and water new birds last. Wash before and after. Keep a disposable paper jumper at the door with paper shoes. Hand sanitizer.
Add one bird from your flock to the new birds and observe for two more weeks. Feed last.

Cull all birds if any signs of illness are present at anytime.

Justine can give you the information and numbers to call for Canada and the steps you need to take.
Does anyone else find it strange that for hundreds of years people have raised chickens without paper suits and hand sanitizers, and changing their shoes 3 times? There's nothing wrong with being cautious, but in a "natural" chicken keeping thread, some of this seems a bit unnatural ! Lol. I had 4 chicks bought from 3 different places, got to more from another different place, I integrated them over a 24 hour period, a little bit at a time. Everyone is healthy and happy. I guess because I'm not a huge "breeding" "processing" operation, that letting my chickens just be chickens is a bit easier for me.
There's nothing wrong with being cautious, but in a "natural" chicken keeping thread, some of this seems a bit unnatural ! Lol.


I still read and enjoy this thread, but I've realized that there is a bit of a difference in the meaning of "natural" as it is being used on this thread (where it references more of an "organic" means of raising) and "natural" as it is used on the OT thread (where it references more of a no-nonsense, practical means of raising). I'm totally not trying to ruffle any feathers, just commenting on an observation. :)
Camille, I am experiencing serious barn envy! It's beautiful

I know we have touched on the topic before but due to my current situation, I am wondering if everyone would mind sharing both your biosecurity practices and how you find healthy birds/chicks/hatching eggs from reliable sources. Is there NPIP certification here in Canada or something similar?

Would love some input!
You're going to want to ask around. We don't have certification programs like the USA.

I've heard a lot of good things about Triple J Farms in Alberta. She ships hatching eggs and chicks.

However, most people are done hatching and selling eggs this time of year.

ILT is raging in flocks this year. Be very cautious!

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