The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I thinks chicks you hatch yourself tend to be a lot friendlier than bought chics. I guess because the store chics have been through so much shipping. They'll Come around, Especially When They're Big Enough For Treats.

I am not that concerned with them being lap birds (tho it might be fun) but since I am caring for them it would be better if I could pick them up when needed. I am thinking of when I begin taking them outside. Even if they are in a small pen they could be difficult to catch.

Even without picking them up they are fun to watch....they are so cute!
A couple/few (?) weeks ago a book was mentioned on here. Let's see if I can be more vague. I thought I had saved the name but apparently didn't. It has to do with natural chicken keeping and has an extensive section on chicken health (if I am remembering correctly). I've been online trying to figure it out. So if any of you have any clue what I am talking about, with my vague info, I am wondering if this this the book: The Small Scale Poultry Flock

Also - any other natural chicken keeping books you can recommend? Is the Chicken Health Handbook a good book to have on hand (I notice on Amazon that they are releasing a new version of this but not until the end of 2015)?

And, wondering if anyone has ever used Kocci Free. Read about it here
had never heard of this before and wondering if it is worth adding to my chicken first aid kit.

Anyone else giddy with excitement over the warm up this week?

Thanks all!

How are thing going out there?  Are you getting some warmer weather this week...supposed to be above 30 for the next 6 or so days here.  I haven't had the barn door open (frozen in) for weeks.  These birds will not know what to do with themselves when they can go outside.

Well it is warmer. Suppose to get almost up to 40 this week. I've been battling ice dams and water in the house. Spent today getting the rest of the ice dams down.

Girls are getting coop fever..........but I got a nice surprise today

It seems my last peeper laid her first egg today. And it's GREEN !!!!!!! I was very excited to see it. Thank you @Sally8 for adding to my egg color collection. :):)

I've also been a little preoccupied with

I can't resist some snuggling with the 2 weeks old babies :D

I have had the chicks one week tomorrow.....and I admit I don't really mess with them a lot.....according to the store they are two weeks old now.

They like roasted chicken, bread crumbs, and of course chick starter.....and they LOVE the plugs of grass/moss from outside....which I can get again because almost all the snow is gone. The verdict is still out on cheese and pepperoni.

And yes I am giddy with the weather...I am sitting outside right now enjoying sixty degrees and the sun is shining now.
A couple/few (?) weeks ago a book was mentioned on here. Let's see if I can be more vague.  I thought I had saved the name but apparently didn't. It has to do with natural chicken keeping and has an extensive section on chicken health (if I am remembering correctly). I've been online trying to figure it out. So if any of you have any clue what I am talking about, with my vague info, I am wondering if this this the book: The Small Scale Poultry Flock

Also - any other natural chicken keeping books you can recommend? Is the Chicken Health Handbook a good book to have on hand (I notice on Amazon that they are releasing a new version of this but not until the end of 2015)? 

And, wondering if anyone has ever used Kocci Free. Read about it here 
had never heard of this before and wondering if it is worth adding to my chicken first aid kit. 

Anyone else giddy with excitement over the warm up this week? 

Thanks all! 

The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm. and Stable by Levy
I have had the chicks one week tomorrow.....and I admit I don't really mess with them a lot.....according to the store they are two weeks old now.

They like roasted chicken, bread crumbs, and of course chick starter.....and they LOVE the plugs of grass/moss from outside....which I can get again because almost all the snow is gone. The verdict is still out on cheese and pepperoni.

And yes I am giddy with the weather...I am sitting outside right now enjoying sixty degrees and the sun is shining now.

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