The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Blood on eggs is a sign of mites.

Also, are you sure mice or rats are not eating the feathers off of her at night?

I had considered mites, but I have caught that one hen pecking at the others several times now. I have never seen signs of mice or rats, such as droppings or tracks, anywhere around the coop or run. Also, their roost is probably 5 feet up. It's a possibility. I will see if the wounded hen heals now that I separated the suspected culprit. If she doesn't improve, I will lay traps around the coop for mice. Seems fishy that the suspected culprit has lost nary a feather!
I had considered mites, but I have caught that one hen pecking at the others several times now. I have never seen signs of mice or rats, such as droppings or tracks, anywhere around the coop or run. Also, their roost is probably 5 feet up. It's a possibility. I will see if the wounded hen heals now that I separated the suspected culprit. If she doesn't improve, I will lay traps around the coop for mice. Seems fishy that the suspected culprit has lost nary a feather!
Get some pin-less peepers for her. They do a great job of stopping them from picking out the feathers.
Ron, is there any kind of treatment for mice that chew feathers? I'm sure I have that issue in a couple of my coops. Some of my birds look pretty pathetic!

I put traps out and they don't even mess with them at all! Blasted things! I HATE 'em!

I have problems in one of my pens with rodents eating feathers. I thought it was feather picking but noticed it only happens to the hens that roost the lowest. It is bothersome.

Try baiting the trap with a mouse gel bait. I have a terrible time getting them to use a trap too.
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I've heard people have various degrees of luck in breaking this, but mostly what I've heard is that it doesn't stop.

One thing you can do is feed more animal based protein. Give them some raw ground meat at least 1x/week and if it is wintertime, more often if possible. They do need animal-based protein (I include insects in this category) and it's harder to come by during the winter since they can't get out and catch bugs. Once they get a taste of the blood/meat (even though on a living animal!) they know how to get it.

It may also help when they can go outside and have more space to run and not being in such close confinement as winter sometimes brings.

It the picker was my hen, I would not allow her back with the flock until this girl is completely healed. And I'd give them all some extra raw ground meat for awhile. And if she continued the behavior after she's back with the flock, I would not keep her. Better to have the flock in peace. But that is just what I would do. And, easier said than done.
I had a feather picker last year who drove me crazy. She would only do it at night on the roost and picked all the feathers around the other's vents and also picked off my OE's beard. Meat/protein did not help at all - well, not with the feather picking anyways.

Bumpa-bits really helped. Took her a bit to re-learn how to eat and drink, but eventually she ignored it. Once everyone's feathers grew back I took it off but she started again. Put another one on and left it for another month. Then we moved, I took it off and she hasn't started again.

Right now I only have 4 hens, so I'll keep her. Once I build up the flock it's "one more strike and you're soup!" Luckily, there has been no feather picking for the last 4 months.
Thanks for all of the ideas to stop feather picking. @Leahs Mom I have a small flock of only 5 so it would be really hard to get rid of her, but on the other hand, the idea of her injuring the other birds is too stressful so it may come to that. @ronott1 and @FridayYet thanks for the suggestions of peepers. I am going to keep her separated at least until the bloodied bird heals (her vent looked much better already yesterday, but still a bloody egg). I will try to reincorporate her after that and see what happens. If she continues, I may try the peepers/bumpa bits so culling her is the last resort and I feel like I tried everything.
I finally got all chicks out of the house. We made a brooder out of my husband's wood wagon/78 Chevy pickup bed. They're parked in the garage and have their heating plate so I hope that's well enough without extra heat. I thought it was a great idea but hubs is unimpressed.

Thanks for all of the ideas to stop feather picking. @Leahs Mom I have a small flock of only 5 so it would be really hard to get rid of her, but on the other hand, the idea of her injuring the other birds is too stressful so it may come to that. @ronott1 and @FridayYet thanks for the suggestions of peepers. I am going to keep her separated at least until the bloodied bird heals (her vent looked much better already yesterday, but still a bloody egg). I will try to reincorporate her after that and see what happens. If she continues, I may try the peepers/bumpa bits so culling her is the last resort and I feel like I tried everything.

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