The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I've seen the water bucket traps you catch many that way?

I've caught more that way than other traps. I won't poison. My mom would have my hide if I did, she's a veterinarian. Unless it was the kind that deactivates upon consumption, I can't remember what it is called.
What was the actual diagnosis? Aspergillis? Or other type? Fungal infections of the lungs are often not treatable, so your vet is probably doing what they can but aren't expecting results. I know of nothing natural that would help except fresh clean air, and good ventilation and dry bedding.

There was no definite diagnosis. She said fungus, mites or worms in her air sacs. She has had labored breathing for probably three months now. She's not getting better, nor is she getting worse. I tried VetRX for three nights with no results. I wormed her. I used oregano powder in their water. I am now giving them chicken probiotics to counter act the antibiotic she had. None of the other chicken show any symptoms. Her symptoms are head shaking, and heavy breathing, maybe a little more listless than the others. She free ranges with them, runs for treats, and goes through the motions of egg laying, although she never laid an egg and she is going on nine months old now. The vet said it is very hard to diagnose without an autopsy. She is getting an anti fungal drop in her nostril each day right now, but still no changes.

Their coop is well ventilated. I keep it pretty clean ( for a chicken coop!). I feel like there must be something I can do, I'm just at a dead end for now.
Sometimes a particular bird just has underlying issues that weaken their immune system and they don't thrive. It may just be that particular bird, and she may have had issues from hatch due to poor health of the hen that was her mother.

Especially when the rest of the flock looks good...

Have you observed the flock together? Is she low on pecking do the other birds treat her?

I've seen one that became depressed, tail drooping, head shaking, quit eating, laying in corners, etc. that was being targeted and picked on for no particular reason. I thought the bird was sick until I observed a bit and saw some of the others making a point of seeking her out and pecking or harassing her. When I separated the harassers away, she perked up right away. Tail back up, eating, acting very normal but still shy... but it was almost total turn-around in 24 hours.
Leah's mom,
Thank you for the suggestion, but it's not that. She has trouble breathing and the vet said "dry rales" which eliminate the possibility of a bacterial infection. She is not at the top of the pecking order, but has no trouble holding her own when I throw down treats, or they are dustbathing. This is what makes this so difficult. She is behaving normally, except for the difficulty breathing and no egg laying. She runs for treats, dust bathes, eats, drinks, poops, all normally. But even if she is sitting quietly, she is breathing as if she just exerted herself. I'm going to start garlic in their water tomorrow. I also wondered if I should supplement her with grower/starter vs. layer feed, since she is not laying. I know they say the extra calcium can't hurt them once they are older, but I'm wondering if the extra protein would help.
Leah's mom,
Thank you for the suggestion, but it's not that. She has trouble breathing and the vet said "dry rales" which eliminate the possibility of a bacterial infection. She is not at the top of the pecking order, but has no trouble holding her own when I throw down treats, or they are dustbathing. This is what makes this so difficult. She is behaving normally, except for the difficulty breathing and no egg laying. She runs for treats, dust bathes, eats, drinks, poops, all normally. But even if she is sitting quietly, she is breathing as if she just exerted herself. I'm going to start garlic in their water tomorrow. I also wondered if I should supplement her with grower/starter vs. layer feed, since she is not laying. I know they say the extra calcium can't hurt them once they are older, but I'm wondering if the extra protein would help.
I never feed layer. For me it's too low in protein. I feed either an All Flock or a non medicated starter grower. A separate bowl of oyster shells takes care of the calcium needs. My flock is surprisingly more healthy and they live longer.
The vet attempted to look down her throat but the bird was not cooperating so she gave up. She did give her some type of one dose oral medication for worms while we were there. I had looked down her throat previously and didn't see anything suspicious, but I'm no expert. I sure wish it were worms at this point, but I'd wormed her a few weeks earlier too. I also think gapeworm is rather rare?

So what are your thoughts on this? The vet didn't do any type of cultures. I was surprised she didn't swab inside her mouth or throat. The vet told me the only way to get a culture would be during autopsy! She didn't get a stool sample either. Again, I'm not the professional and this was an older country vet, so you'd think she would know best. Maybe she didn't culture because I had her in antibiotics?

I have researched aspergillosis and at one time thought this must be it. But apparently head shaking is not a symptom and she does a lot of head shaking. And,they say there is no treatment,but they don't say if the bird sometimes gets better, or always dies from it.

After three days of probiotic in their water, today I started crushed garlic. I guess it can't hurt and I can't just stand by and try nothing.
I would have wanted a stool check as well. I think that farm vets look at chickens as disposable. On a farm that's the way it tends to be. They're the least expensive animal so losing one is "no big deal" to them. Those of us with small flocks know each bird and tend to see them as a friend as well as a farm animal.....

Does she seem to you that she's in pain at all? You said that she's eating and behaving normally? Have you observed her actually eating? They will often go through all the motions like they're eating but not actually eat anything, so you'd have to really look close to determine that.
Although the vet is a farm vet, she is one of the only avian vets anywhere near me. I didn't know it was a farm veterinary office until I got there. There are two more avian vets I found that I'm keeping the contact info for. I am supposed to call her on tuesday to let her know how my bird is doing and they did call to check on her on Thursday. I agree with what you are saying. Our chickens are pets as well as egg layers.

No, she doesn't seem to be in pain. I don't necessarily catch her eating her real food( pellets) but she dives into sunflower seeds and oatmeal like she's starving, but so do the others! I got some starter feed this morning an tried to hand feed her, but after two bites she realized it was not treats and she went looking for the real treats! She also grazes along with the others when they are free ranging. They seem to love a prevalent weed that is growing here this spring.So even though she is on the thin side, I believe she is eating normally. And I caught her pooping yesterday and that looked normal too.

It's just driving me nuts, not being able to diagnose this. And because it's been going on for months, it makes it even more mysterious.
The vet attempted to look down her throat but the bird was not cooperating so she gave up. She did give her some type of one dose oral medication for worms while we were there. I had looked down her throat previously and didn't see anything suspicious, but I'm no expert. I sure wish it were worms at this point, but I'd wormed her a few weeks earlier too. I also think gapeworm is rather rare?

So what are your thoughts on this? The vet didn't do any type of cultures. I was surprised she didn't swab inside her mouth or throat. The vet told me the only way to get a culture would be during autopsy! She didn't get a stool sample either. Again, I'm not the professional and this was an older country vet, so you'd think she would know best. Maybe she didn't culture because I had her in antibiotics?

I have researched aspergillosis
and at one time thought this must be it. But apparently head shaking is not a symptom and she does a lot of head shaking. And,they say there is no treatment,but they don't say if the bird sometimes gets better, or always dies from it.

After three days of probiotic in their water, today I started crushed garlic. I guess it can't hurt and I can't just stand by and try nothing.
had an issue with this and took the bird to the vet/lab .. I can't remember the details, except they got it from just starting to cook fresh wood chips, but maybe he can tell his experience w/the vet.

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