The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I (finally!!) got my chickens. Two Barred Plymouth Rocks, two White Leghorns & one Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are about 3 months old...the Rocks look a few weeks younger than the others and still "peeping" instead of "bwaawkking." I spent the whole afternoon just standing in the dutch door, watching them. They have found some worms & bugs the leaf litter, already.

How exciting! They look so wonderful..enjoy!
Back to Natural Chicken Keeping...
Any thoughts on the "mineral mixes" when formulating your own feed? I just purchased a (huge) bag of Fertrell Poultry Nutribalancer to use in my winter mix. Sometimes I wonder if I really need it but I do know that minerals can be out of balance in grains due to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. in the land.

For those of you that mix your own feed, do you use a mineral mix?
I am going to try and do grains starting this fall. I am working with another ember on here who makes her own. She uses a nutribalancer to add to the food. I figured they would need something to add the minerals they wouldn't get being fed grains only.
I (finally!!) got my chickens. Two Barred Plymouth Rocks, two White Leghorns & one Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are about 3 months old...the Rocks look a few weeks younger than the others and still "peeping" instead of "bwaawkking." I spent the whole afternoon just standing in the dutch door, watching them. They have found some worms & bugs the leaf litter, already.

Beautiful chickens ENJOY
CHick update!!!! The chicks are in with the big girls now and it has been the easiest introduction I've had in over a decade. Not sure why, but am thanking my lucky stars. We'll see how bedtime goes tonight, I've removed the barrier in the coop to see if I can let them be at night or if I need to keep them separate.

Also, now that Justine figured out I have sulmtaler chicks, I've figured out that I might have a sumtaler rooster. not sure because the pullets are fluffy and big, and the possible roo is sleek. But he has the same coloring, the same white legs, a smaller poof/crest, and the same crooked comb which apparently is a mark of the breed. If it is a sulmtaler, I want to breed them?

decisions decisions.

and pretty soon I have to deal with the roos. I think I have at least 6. I hate this part of chicken keeping.
I (finally!!) got my chickens. Two Barred Plymouth Rocks, two White Leghorns & one Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are about 3 months old...the Rocks look a few weeks younger than the others and still "peeping" instead of "bwaawkking." I spent the whole afternoon just standing in the dutch door, watching them. They have found some worms & bugs the leaf litter, already.

what fun! I like just sitting in there with them watching them. doesn't take long before they start checking you out, and hopping up on your leg. Congrats! you won't believe how much time you can spend on chicken tv. your set up looks nice!
CHick update!!!! The chicks are in with the big girls now and it has been the easiest introduction I've had in over a decade. Not sure why, but am thanking my lucky stars. We'll see how bedtime goes tonight, I've removed the barrier in the coop to see if I can let them be at night or if I need to keep them separate.
If its anything like my tots it will be pretty entertaining. They have been in with the big girls close to a month now and the tots still spend a good half hour more of getting on & off the roosts and then they are trying to climb over each other because they have to roost next to the same friend every night or all heck breaks out

The big girls roost before them now & I swear its just so they can watch the tots roosting. Its very entertaining to say the least
Quote: Good thoughts. I debated but now I have enough Nutribalancer for a TON of feed
so I guess I'll be using some. I do have some folks around here that may want to purchase some of it so it may not be as bad as it sounds.

I (finally!!) got my chickens. Two Barred Plymouth Rocks, two White Leghorns & one Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are about 3 months old...the Rocks look a few weeks younger than the others and still "peeping" instead of "bwaawkking." I spent the whole afternoon just standing in the dutch door, watching them. They have found some worms & bugs the leaf litter, already.

It's hard to get anything done when you have chickens. I just love watching them. Could do it all day.

Quote: I know they need minerals. Then I think about how fermenting makes more of the minerals available for digestion and use after the bulk of the antinutrients are taken care of... Anyhow...60 lbs of nutribalancer is a lot. Anyone near northern IN that wants to share some? It's organic and I have the specific formula needed for ratio to your feed :D
Look what my Orp-O-Bator hatched out today. Two bantam Salmon Faverolles and a Buff Silkie from my breeding pair. Still have a Leghorn bantam egg under her. Two of those hatched but died soon after.
sorry for your loss..if they were not is better when they are young.

your live chicks look healthy and beautiful...enjoy watching them with your broody.

Because of the weather this year and heat I have missed all the shows. I talked with my DH and we committed to go to the Portage show. It is 6 weeks away so I have time to get everyone ready. I think I will document the training and event for those that might be interested.

Starting with bathing and equipment needed.

If anyone is interested, please let me know.

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