The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I'm apologizing in advance for this very long post. While I'm waiting for the dough to rise for tomorrow's rolls, I'll try to answer the questions from you all on my necropsy results. I trust your advice and feel I've learned so much from everyone here without judgement!! Thank you!!

Kassaundra-- How many chickens do you have total? 15
Were those the only 3 or 4 affected? No, I had 2 others--1 w/similar symptoms. 1 found dead in coop--was eating that morning, seemed fine.
Did they come from the same source? 2 were same source. 1 was a hatching egg from a friend.

LeslieDJoyce--Did they say what was the problem with fermenting the feed? I'm sure you can't help feeling responsible ... but it sounds to me like you put in every effort to give the birds the best.
Thanks Leslie. No, they didn’t elaborate on the FF. And I didn’t think to ask at the time. I was just stunned by the word “malnourished”.

Lalaland-- I'm wondering about your flock dynamics. you think from your observations that those three were on the lower end of the pecking order? being kept away from the food or choosing to stay away from the flock activitiies or on the fringe? Personally I would not follow their advice on fermented feed, because they are going to go with the traditional methods no matter what - and won't have an understanding of the feed you were providing. all three having underdeveloped ovaries - were these chicks from the same source?
2 of them were definitely on the lower end--youngest in the coop. I’m sure they were chased away from food. Hence the 3 feeding stations in the pen & 2 others in the coop. The BSL was hatched w/3 other mutts last February--never noticed her having any problems w/food or pecking order.

My flock is mixed. 1 of the birds was very docile—a Salmon Faverolle. Just a sweetie! She was so weak I had to cull her before work one morning. Cried while I did it and all the way to work.

2 were from the same source but different breeds—Salmon Fav & a BCM. The other was a mystery bird (hatching egg from a friend) most likely a Black Sex Link.

-What kind of feed are you using? Purina Flock Raiser--fed dry & fermented w/garlic, oregano & alfalfa pellets.

-When you ferment, are you doing lacto-fermenting or alcohol fermenting? Used mostly ACV w/mother. The last batch I added some buttermilk.

-Does your ferment ever smell "yeast-like" (or like mold) or does it have a more "sour/tangy" smell? Sour & tangy. When I first started fermenting, I had a batch go bad on me so I do know the difference.

Pozees--Sounds to me like the problem originates from parasites weakening the birds. If they have worms, they are not getting the nutrition that's going down their throats. You have been feeding very well from what you describe.
Thank you Pozees. My co-worker who fosters dogs pointed out that same issue of the nutrition. I hadn’t thought of that. Knowing me as she does, she said she could see it on my face that I was thinking, “I feed my birds good stuff!”

Shan30--Try not to blame yourself for this, your very obviously doing your best to maintain the health of these guys. Hey we made a mistake that cost us every bird we had.
Thank you Shan. Sorry to hear about your flock!

we do use UPACV, garlic and herbs. I used garlic & herbs as top dressing for the FF.

Maybe continue to ferment but also free feed dry so they have a choice and can eat as much as they want at least until they put some weight back on. Dry feed has always been available in the coop.

Also a possibility to consider, did you have these birds from chicks? Did they have any issues as chicks? Yes, have had all of them as chicks. A different chick from same source as 2 sent for necropsy. Acted off—treated for cocci—returned to flock—predator got her a few weeks later.

This basically sounds like failure to thrive and develop which I would think would be either genetic or perhaps the result of an illness early in life. Doubtful that its environmental as it sounds like they have a wonderful place with you.
Thank you! DH told me the same thing.

Maybe check if the lab does fecal floats. I would bet that they are way less expensive than the vet. Sending a sample to the lab next week--$12.50 for the test.
delisha, VERY relieved to hear the (guarded) good news! sorry about the chicks, that in itself is a heartbreak, but if you can save the parents then all is not lost... just misplaced for the moment.
Delisha - I am so relieved to hear that your birds are showing improvement. Fingers crossed, they will pull through because they were strong and healthy at the start.

all the weasel family have a musk. some is stronger than others but the basic chemical composition is similar... ferret deodorizers work ok too, but the best I've found is mixing oxyclean with baking soda and liquid detergent and washing *whatever* down with that. the peroxides in the oxyclean neutralize the sulfur compounds that cause the nasty odor.
that sounds a whole lot less expensive then the skunk deoderizer cleaners for your dog - I'm dogless, but Sue's dogs are always finding skunks. We'll have to try the oxyclean/baking soda/detergent and see how that works.

I think it is so strange that the three should have underdeveloped ovaries if they came from two different sources and were different breeds. I must be wrong in my thinking that such a problem would be genetic and unrelated to nutrition. I know poor nutrition can stunt development, but can't believe that yours were malnourished as chicks! I'm wondering if the lab guy could shed more light on that...what his opinion might be.

The rest of your flock, any chickens that came from the same age group as the 3 or 4 that are laying? Am wondering if there are more chickens who "will never lay" because of underdeveloped ovaries.

I'm sorry to be so persistent, its just that your experience was so similiar to mine that I am wondering how, despite our best efforts at providing the best for our chickens, that we find these things happening!

After hearing of your results, I went out and added another feeding station. It will have to go away after the snows come, but....And I am planning on adding another shelter area this weekend so that the 10 chicks added this spring will have a place to be out of the snow and wind. Right now the underneath of the coop is a little crowded - it has haybale windblocks and the feed and water stations.

So a hen trying to stay out of everyone's way has a hard time. I have a sheet of plywood and some cement blocks...and will get some more hay. Dang, and I had other things I wanted to do this weekend@
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Thank you all so much for the links..the reading and calling and getting them on detox and pro gel so quickly probably saved them. They responded in less than 12 hours. It was remarkable. As a group you are the best. If my flock is all did it.

I am so grateful and thankful this Thanksgiving for wonderful people on this thread in my life..
I wish you and your family's a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Delisha glad to hear the flock is holding it own. I will keep the prayers going that you will not have to cull the chicks.

When you get a moment I am curious about the progel that you used. I was trying to goole it to see what it was but couldn't find it. No rush was just curious.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

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