The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Thank you for that description.  For so long they've had a bad reputation in what I've read for being "big hogs".

I'm really wanting to be done with mean aggressive breeds if I can figure out which ones to get.

Have you ever had any other orp ...  Jubilee, Mille Fleur, chocolate, etc.?  If so how do they compare?
I haven't tried other varieties yet. I have been eyeballing the chocolate. I would assume they would be more broody and less productive. I did have two blue Orpingtons a few years back but both ended up roosters and I chose to butcher them. At that time I wasn't set up to deal with young roosters like I am now, and I didn't have my techniques of managing them through their adolescence.
@Leahs MomHave you looked into Barnevelder, they are another quiet mellow breed that are quite pretty. My rooster have always been wonderful and non aggressive, and they are nice eye candy. They don't lay real well, but they do lay dark brown eggs.
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Thank you for that description.  For so long they've had a bad reputation in what I've read for being "big hogs".

I'm really wanting to be done with mean aggressive breeds if I can figure out which ones to get.

Have you ever had any other orp ...  Jubilee, Mille Fleur, chocolate, etc.?  If so how do they compare?

Mine are definitely hogs with treats (especially bread lol) and shove their way forward but as far as layer pellets, they don't seem to eat that much. In fact one of them is rather scrawny. My Australorps are huge lol so I think with treats they're hogs but not feed at least with mine.
Thank you for that description.  For so long they've had a bad reputation in what I've read for being "big hogs".

I'm really wanting to be done with mean aggressive breeds if I can figure out which ones to get.

Have you ever had any other orp ...  Jubilee, Mille Fleur, chocolate, etc.?  If so how do they compare?

I have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers and I find them all to be pretty docile and friendly. The Australorps were a little bit mean to others when they were younger but calmed down after they started layung and now they get along. The EEs are very friendly and one comes running when I come outside if they're ranging but they're a little bit skittish and don't like to be held. I can hold the Orps. But I spend much time with any of mine lately and so they're all pretty skittish atm at least about being held/touched but they used to be very friendly and I'm sure with some more time they'll be friendly. All 4 breeds are known to be very friendly. Speckled Sussex are supposed to be very calm and very friendly too. I'm adding one in October along with a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Laced Wyandotte, and Partridge Rock. I've heard Wyandottes can be a little bit mean, especially when adding new chicks, but I've heard others say they're not mean at all so idk. But either way I've heard they're very friendly with people. I love my Barred Rock and she is very personable so I'm sure I will love the Partridge Rock too. Brahmas and Cochins are supposed to be very friendly too but I don't have those
Mine are definitely hogs with treats (especially bread lol) and shove their way forward but as far as layer pellets, they don't seem to eat that much. In fact one of them is rather scrawny. My Australorps are huge lol so I think with treats they're hogs but not feed at least with mine.
ours don't like bread but give em fruit and veggies and they all turn into hogs, lettuce causes tug o war game between ducks and chickens lol
ours don't like bread but give em fruit and veggies and they all turn into hogs, lettuce causes tug o war game between ducks and chickens lol

That's how ours are with bread. They fight and snag massive pieces then run away with others chasing them, playing keep away and gobbling it as they can haha although certain fruit will do that too. I discovered they LOVE blueberries, grapes, and watermelon. And some of mine like banana.
That's how ours are with bread. They fight and snag massive pieces then run away with others chasing them, playing keep away and gobbling it as they can haha although certain fruit will do that too. I discovered they LOVE blueberries, grapes, and watermelon. And some of mine like banana.
yeah they think it's a fun game to try and get what the other has just in case it was better than what they had lol,

with them going through molt right now even giving em feather fixer doesn't seem to be giving them enough so their new favorite thing to pig out on is pickled anything, she did hers with vinegar and pickling spice, I do mine with vinegar, dill, garlic and onion. We learned to put that in the feed bowl outside of the pen cause they'll mob us for it.

the humor was last winter as we give them oatmeal with cayanne pepper and some fruit, friends friend got it outta the fridge thinking it was for him, none the less he wasn't impressed with it as well as the girls
yeah they think it's a fun game to try and get what the other has just in case it was better than what they had lol,

with them going through molt right now even giving em feather fixer doesn't seem to be giving them enough so their new favorite thing to pig out on is pickled anything, she did hers with vinegar and pickling spice, I do mine with vinegar, dill, garlic and onion. We learned to put that in the feed bowl outside of the pen cause they'll mob us for it.

the humor was last winter as we give them oatmeal with cayanne pepper and some fruit, friends friend got it outta the fridge thinking it was for him, none the less he wasn't impressed with it as well as the girls

Haha exactly! And even if I'm holding more of said treat, nope, hers is better lol

Pickled!? Really!? So interesting the chickens like that.

Hahaha oh wow!!!
Update on the "Cockerel Chronicles"

Buckeye Boys in the Little House.
put the 2 extra Buckeye boys in the little house last Thursday and didn't let them go outside until I got the tarps up on the kennel run's side that's toward the main flock. They went out yesterday morning and it is working WONDERFULLY. Really glad I tarped. It's a nice visual barrier and with the main fence between, no one even knows there's anyone to communicate with over there.

The 2 boys in there are at peace and there is LOTS to range around on in there since I haven't used it the last 2 seasons. Since I deep litter the outdoor runs, the soil is full of worms and good bugs and the stuff that has grown up is more than they'll need to "range" on grass even if I keep them in the pen until processing - or going to a new home if anyone is looking for a flock roo.

The main flock area is much more peaceful too.
All the younger birds are roosting in the same place with just minimal squabbles now that the SFH roos are all gone. I am SO GLAD they're gone. We actually had some chicken tacos on Thursday thanks to one of those boys. And we got them just young enough that it wasn't too tough.

Buckeye Girl or Boy?
I am in question regarding one of the Buckeyes that is still in the main flock. There is one that I just can't tell for sure the sex on. The comb hasn't reddened, but the shape of it is questionable whether boy or girl. She/he seems to have a larger body size than the other 2 girls. Also the way she/he carries his/herself seems more masculine. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Sometimes Buckeyes can be a mystery with that pea comb!

Mr. White Band (Buckeye) is still with the flock (hopefully the only boy) and he is still behaving very pleasantly. He was near me today so I bent down and cupped his chest with my hands and gave him a little rub and he had no complaints. Hopefully he will keep his good demeanor. I saw him catch a worm today and go running but when one of the Buckeye girls chased him and he dropped it, he let her have it with no contest. Good sign, I think.

These boys are 15 weeks old.
Update on the "Cockerel Chronicles"

Buckeye Boys in the Little House.
put the 2 extra Buckeye boys in the little house last Thursday and didn't let them go outside until I got the tarps up on the kennel run's side that's toward the main flock. They went out yesterday morning and it is working WONDERFULLY. Really glad I tarped. It's a nice visual barrier and with the main fence between, no one even knows there's anyone to communicate with over there.

The 2 boys in there are at peace and there is LOTS to range around on in there since I haven't used it the last 2 seasons. Since I deep litter the outdoor runs, the soil is full of worms and good bugs and the stuff that has grown up is more than they'll need to "range" on grass even if I keep them in the pen until processing - or going to a new home if anyone is looking for a flock roo.

The main flock area is much more peaceful too.
All the younger birds are roosting in the same place with just minimal squabbles now that the SFH roos are all gone. I am SO GLAD they're gone. We actually had some chicken tacos on Thursday thanks to one of those boys. And we got them just young enough that it wasn't too tough.

Buckeye Girl or Boy?
I am in question regarding one of the Buckeyes that is still in the main flock. There is one that I just can't tell for sure the sex on. The comb hasn't reddened, but the shape of it is questionable whether boy or girl. She/he seems to have a larger body size than the other 2 girls. Also the way she/he carries his/herself seems more masculine. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Sometimes Buckeyes can be a mystery with that pea comb!

Mr. White Band (Buckeye) is still with the flock (hopefully the only boy) and he is still behaving very pleasantly. He was near me today so I bent down and cupped his chest with my hands and gave him a little rub and he had no complaints. Hopefully he will keep his good demeanor. I saw him catch a worm today and go running but when one of the Buckeye girls chased him and he dropped it, he let her have it with no contest. Good sign, I think.

These boys are 15 weeks old.

Always nice when ya get peace back with what works for you

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