The Never Ending Story Of The Buffingtons

Thank you guys, I thought Buffington fans had vanished off the face of the earth. But here you all are, and there are even some new fans :D
Chapter 16: Ahh Memories. (A Dangerous Game)

With winter, comes memories. Let's begin with an early memory of Miss Chipmunk.

It was late spring. Miss Chipmunk was with her sisters, Miss Holly (RIP Baby <3) and Miss Hershey, and her brothers, Sir Lucky, Sir Lucy (Lucifer now lol), and Sir Penguin. And, of course, her older sisters, Lady Skye, Lady Eggnog, Lady Q, and her older brothers, Sir Feather, and Sir Graphite. (The name came from me trying to catch him in the brooder and randomly yelling: "GRAPHITE!) It was they're first time in the big coop. And they were all having fun. The Little Giant was staying with them, so nothing went wrong.

Suddenly, Lady Chipmunk discovered that she could squeeze through the wire of the yard. (She can't now.) She ran around the yard, peeping to her brothers and sisters. TLG ran to the gate, and quickly ran out to get her. But it was too late... Sir Prince and Lady Scarlet had been let out to graze. Sir Prince saw Lady Chipmunk and galloped toward her! Lady Chipmunk realized she was in danger, and ran for her life, cheaping with fear. It wasn't long before she was cornered. Sir Prince slowed down slightly, and aimed a kick at her. TLG finally reached the two, and shoved Sir Prince back. She reached down and grabbed Lady Chipmunk. Lady Chipmunk wasn't scared anymore though. What a rush! That was great! She had outrun a miniature horse!

TLG took her back in the coop, where Lady Chipmunk eagerly told her siblings about her adventure. Her sisters were horrified, Lady Chipmunk could have been killed! But her brothers thought it was pretty cool, and wished they could slip through the wire too. (They couldn't, Lady Chipmunk was the smallest of all the chicks)
Soon, TLG couldn't stand the heat any longer, and asked her dad (The TALL Giant, TTG) to watch the chicks while she went to go get a glass of water. TTG sat in a lawn chair, and read his newspaper.
For the first few minutes, the chicks ran around playing with the bugs they found. But then, a mischievious glint came into Lady Chipmunk's eye. She ran through the wire, and started to cheap. TTG put his paper down and rushed to her, but, once again, it was too late. Sir Prince eagerly ran after Lady Chipmunk, and they both ran around the yard. Sir Prince soon cornered Lady Chipmunk, and aimed his kick. TTG caught up with the two, pushed Sir Prince away, and picked up Lady Chipmunk.
Lady Chipmunk peaped eagerly. That had been fun! What a rush! She would do it again! And again! And Again! This game would never get old! (Thankfully, this was the last time she escaped... well, she has escaped since then... but that's a different story.)

Sir Prince didn't mean to endanger Lady Chipmunk, that's just how he plays with his friend Lady Scarlet. (Brown horse) And in the end, they both had fun, and even now, almost a year later, they are still fascinated with each other. Lady Chipmunk flaps her wings happily whenever thinking of this lovely game they played together....
Oh, and, I'm not uploading any more chapters until at least one person comments :)
Hah! I'll comment! I like commenting.

Your stories are very cute and creative, and your chicks sound like they have a lot of fun with their favorite TLG! Also....Those are some adorable minis you have!
Hah! I'll comment! I like commenting.

Your stories are very cute and creative, and your chicks sound like they have a lot of fun with their favorite TLG! Also....Those are some adorable minis you have!
Thank you
Chapter 17: Ahh Memories... (Almost Left Behind)

With winter, comes memories. Let's read one of Lady Eggnog's first memories, shall we? Okay, let's time travel back to.... March 2012...

Lady Eggnog huddled together with her two brothers and two sisters. They were the last orpingtons left.
Lady Eggnog heard human voices, these voices sounded both familiar and unfamiliar. Lady Eggnog made eye contact with her siblings, the chick code was softly spoken. They looked up and saw a small human gazing at them... IT'S A LITTLE GIANT!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! in unison, they ran in opposite directions. They all liked it in their brooder, it was cozy, had enough water, and lots of yummy food. What chick would want to leave that behind?
The Little Giant's hand came down through the air, and gently took one of Lady Eggnog's brothers. NO! The siblings peaped loudly while running, hoping to confuse The Little Giant. The Little Giant gently put the chick into a box, and reached down for another.
She cornered one of Lady Eggnog's sisters. NO! NOT THEIR SISTER! Lady Eggnog ran even faster.
The hand came down again and grabbed Lady Eggnog's last brother. NO! THEIR LAST BROTHER!
The hand came down again, and grabbed Lady Eggnog's last remaining sibling. NO! NOT HER LAST SISTER! The hand left, and all Lady Eggnog saw was the face of The Little Giant.
She peaped sadly, her sibling were gone, there would be no one to keep her warm, to play with her... She cheaped even louder. The Little Giant was looking at the other chicks. (We had to get six, I was going to get four Orpingtons, and two sex linc pullets) The sales clerk gently reached down and picked her up. "Shh, now, you little mouth runner." the clerk said gently.
The Little Giant's face was twitching uncertainly, she looked over and asked the bigger giants something. The Little Giant smiled, and gently picked Lady Eggnog up. She stroked her, then put her in a box.
Lady Eggnog looked around in the dark. Something moved. SISTER! Lady Eggnog ran to her sister, and found the rest of her siblings. They snuggled closely together. Then, the box opened again, and a creamy white chick was placed in the box. The chick was smaller than they were, but the siblings quickly welcomed her. The white chick snuggled up to them, and at that moment, Lady Eggnog knew everything was alright. She was with her siblings, and even got a new sister. She knew that wherever they ended up, they would be safe and happy.

TLG note: If you're wondering how I knew it was Lady Eggnog that got left behind, it was because she had (and still has) a bright orange stripe down her forehead. (It wasn't as prominent when she was young though) and, Lady Eggnog used to have two Buff Orpingtons sisters... Buffy, bless her, was a little too curious about the outside world, and escaped from her pen... Next thing we knew, there were feathers all over the yard. And one of our dogs didn't eat dinner. However, darling Milkshake has made up for her deceit by eating a chicken hawk that was stalking the flock... Milkshake, the bottomless pit. xD
Ugh, today, I was in the coop, and i got mauled xD I picked hershey up, petted her, and put her down. while my back was down low, guess who takes the opportunity to jump on my back? Eggnog! She weighs about as much as a toddler! Then Chipmunk starts playing with my pony tails, soon, I'm surrounded by a mob of chickens, determined to eat every last bit of my hair! I started laughing, and it took my five minutes to get Eggnog off my back without scaring her :p
Chapter 18: Ahh Memories (Out Of The Darkness)

With winter, comes memories. Let's read an early memory of Miss Hershey's, shall we? Okay, let's time travel back to.... April 2012...

The night was dark, and freezing. It was early April, barely spring really. And Miss Hershey and her siblings were closely snuggled together. They were in a small box, they had been in this box since they were hatched, traveling on a journey. However, something went wrong. The delivery man, who had been in the truck with them since they could remember, was gone. The car had stopped, and the heater had gone off. Miss Hershey and the rest of her siblings were scared, two chicks had already died. Who knows who would go next. The cold stung Miss Hershey's lungs, each breath hurt. But they would have to deal with it. All night long...

The next day, the truck started up again. Miss Hershey looked around, where any more of her brothers and sisters dead? She saw one chick, who was laying there, completely still. No, wait! There was a slight intake of oxygen! Miss Hershey and her siblings were so happy when the heater started, though it probably wouldn't do much good. They would have to deal with it.

Soon, the truck stopped again. The box was picked up and carried away. A few minutes later, the box opened, and the chicks were blinded with sunlight. The first thing they saw were human faces. One by one, the little chicks were lifted into a large tub that had wood shavings, a heat lamp, food, and water. The chicks huddled up in a little ball by the heat lamp, some of them attempted to eat and drink, but tired during the process. Then, Miss Hershey heard a volley of peaping. She looked at the source. Of course, it could only be her sister, Lady Chipmunk, running through the food and water, making a mess. Miss Hershey wasn't sure where Lady Chipmunk got her energy, hadn't she been cold, tired, hungry, and thirsty?
Miss Hershey looked at the heat lamp and saw the sibling that had almost been dead. The chick was being gently held up by human hands. Slowly warming.
Soon, the hands came around and put one, two, three, four, of her siblings in a box. Then the hands gently reached down and picked Miss Hershey up. She placed her in the dark box. She and her siblings cuddled up together. Soon, they were joined by Lady Chipmunk, of course. Miss Hershey knew they were going on another journey, she just hoped this one wouldn't be as long or scary.

TLG note: No, I don't know when the chicks died/got really sick. I'm just guessing at how they all felt.

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