The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Thanks everyone. Wasn't trying to "ruffle any feathers" :lau as GAMarans put it lol. I'm so excited for the hatching season to begin and am looking forward to all of the auctions. I just wanted to be prepared and know when to be sure to get my bid in by. Thanks again and happy weekend to everyone. I'm back to lurking for future eggs :)
There is a time stamp if you hover over where it says how long ago you posted

Ohhhhhhhhhh........... NOW I get it!

I just went back and checked and see that indeed I would have been able to tell who won if I'd known how to do that.

So now I know and next time there won't be any confusion.
HEY!!! Well wouldja look at that.

We still have Bo's colorful eggs, git-r-done's orloff's, the new d'uccle auction from chickenman5024 and the black chickens auctions

I went back through lots of posts and it looks like Bo's is at $20, The Black Chickens are at the opening bid of $75 and I did not see any bids for the orloff's or d'uccles yet..
It would be easier if there was an actual forum time stamp instead of the amount of time elapsed since the post thing.  But either way I can promise I will never get upset over a BYC forum action.  I'm here to have fun and maybe get a few eggs.  Now we need to make sure to bump the auctions that are still active so they don't sink too deep to get any action.

There is a time stamp if you are using the desktop version. Just hover your mouse over the elapsed time. And the Svart Hona (black chickens) auction is over. :)

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