The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

6+ Spangled Russian Orloff Hatching Eggs-Auction

This auction is for 6+ Russian Orloff Eggs I have five hens right now so the eggs you will receive will be very fresh. Shipping will be $15 USPS Priority. I will send extras if available at the time of shipping. We are NPIP Certified

Bidding starts at $25 this auction will end on Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Payment can be sent to [email protected] through paypal.

If you have any questions please PM me or email me through [email protected].

I've looked but I haven't seen any..... Are there bids on this one yet?
Wow! Went to watch my son's ball game and this thread went nuts. LOL. I assume the colored eggs are gon!?
I bid $25 on the Orloff. I am an auction junkie who has champagne taste on a kool-aid budget (which means no budget). Always like surprise boxes, too:thumbsup:cd
I am going to need to go over the rules again I see with the auction time I imagine this thread spins crazy fast during hatching season... does anyone have the link to this threads chat thread....I seem to have misplaced it..
Auction 12+ Barnyard Mix (All Purebred Stock Free-Ranging for Winter) - $6 + shipping 15$ 2 day priority

I have hens and roos in all of the following breeds free-ranging for the winter:

Crested Cream Legbar, Black Copper, Wheaten, Cuckoo, Blue/Splash Marans, Wheaten, Lavender, Blue/Splash Ameraucanas, Barred Hollands, Norwegian Jaerhons, Jersey Giants, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Red Shoulder Yokohama, Salmon Faverolle, Barnevelder, Mottled Houdan, Sultan, Rhode Island Red & White, White Leghorn

I don't get very good production (or like de-icing 20 frozen waterers) in the winter in their individual pens so I let them free range and they lay well.

I will ship 2 day priority, most likely 15 eggs. I can ship more of a certain color if you want.

I will ship Monday 1/19. Auction ends Saturday 9:00 PM Central.

And here's the last active one.... that is now $25 I lost the Seramas so GAMjr's piggy bank money and Robojr's allowance can go toward these..
Should be clarified for future bidders though. The rules on page 1 state that if an auction ends at 9 am that the highest bid within the 9 am minute is the winner and the bidding actually ends when the clock hits 9:01. Is this how it's still going or be done this year or is bidding going to end when the clock hits 9am and the rule needs to be changed?

Oh my. I totally missed this.
Its been awhile since I read the rules so that is my bad. Sorry guys
I just went back through multiple pages of the forum and this is the update on the auctions (Monerator please correct if I am wrong):

bosingleton's - 12+ Barnyard mix - pickitfarm @ $20 Posted date and time 1/16/15 @ 8:25PM (ET)
6+ Spangled Russian Orloff Hatching Eggs - Purplehen @ $25 - Post date and time 1/16/15 @9:40PM (ET)
Mille fluer d'uccle auction submitted by chickenman5024 - No bids and no end time given in posted auction
6+ Svart Hona - Auction over
Seramas Eggs - Auction over
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