Usually the females feather more quickly. Any of them more naked?They are so cute. I'm jealous. We just got buried in snow again so it will be a while for me.
Hard to say, really. They all have full wings and some shoulder feathers, all have perky little tails, too. One has quite a few accent feathers already, more like the males end up with, but can't really say any stand out as male yet. I know it's early, of course. Gosh it was so hot yesterday, but that's just a tease. Winter is nowhere near over yet.
Apparently, the Duramycin we gave Ripley didn't kick out infection or something else is wrong now. She was acting just like she did the day we found the partial egg coming out of her, lethargic and out of it. I don't think she's produced an egg since that day, though she's been on the nest a few times. Though it's out of date now (refrigerated the entire time, but it's all we have), we pulled out the Pen G and gave her 1/2 cc today, will for two more days. Can we even buy penicillin now without a scrip at a feed store? I don't know, haven't bought any in a long time, but she refuses to eat so I can't doctor her food with antibiotics. I know because I tried. I had amoxycillin capsules available, but no luck getting her to eat. I hate to lose Ripley. That group is about to turn two years old the first week of April. I lost my very first hatchery hen 18 years ago just after the group turned two years old, would rather not repeat that with this new hatchery group.
The chicks are turning 5 weeks old in a couple of days. I am sure of two pullets and two cockerels. The 5th one is making me wait, but so far, no real pink in the comb, not getting taller, either. So, I'm still holding out hope for a 3rd pullet. That would be awesome. I may be able to rehome two cockerels as a team that way. I love my little rooster brigade.
Oh, Tom brought home a new bottle of Pen G from a local feed store, about $5 less than Tractor Supply, so Ripley got her 3rd dose from the fresh bottle. I know that same bottle was about $10 less when we bought it a few years back, sheesh. Anyway, we threw out the old one and I hope I don't lose Ripley. She seems to feel a bit better and is eating more now. She is so sweet, that one. She and Rayna, the blue and brown patterned hen, are my two favorite EE girls with the solid black one, Layla, a close third place because she looks so much like my late Ameraucana hen, Gypsy.
It's going back into winter tonight and the next two nights so all the much too early peach and pear blossoms are going to be toast, sigh. Nothing we can do. It rained for two days straight so they all got a good deep drink of water before the deep freeze, at least.

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