The new girls (?)


7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
Desert, S. CA
Sorry, the pictures are not as clear as I'd like to give you. My two silkie girls (?)....hopefully, about 10 weeks old.

The orangey one is Stevie Nicks, the Gray one is Mariah.
the combs arent that big and have color to them i'm leaning towards pullets still but do keep an eye/ear out for crowing if i had to pick one for turning into a cockerel it would be the blue
By the way, these both turned out to be cockerals. The buff colored one hasn't crowed yet, but he's got a red comb going on. He's the lowest in my chicken kingdom. The blue is trying to be the king of the yard, now that the other roosters are gone. Ugh, did not really want boys, but at least these guys don't get up that early.
yep they both turned out to be cockerels. that buff really did look like a pullet comb and crest wise....silkies can be tricky lol i have 5 right now that i am watching grow up can't wait to see what they are i am hoping for more pullets than cockerels lol

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