The new "State a fact about the person above"

Now if you lived in Cali I could have used you for a cow hide :p Oh well. Hey is there something to decrease hair loss on a caribou hide?

"Tans hides"
Now if you lived in Cali I could have used you for a cow hide :p Oh well. Hey is there something to decrease hair loss on a caribou hide?

"Tans hides"
i dont think there is anything you can use once its already taned but when its green you can use some stuff called stop slip, it works well and it might work on already tanned hides but caribou are known for that

has a cow hide
i dont think there is anything you can use once its already taned but when its green you can use some stuff called stop slip, it works well and it might work on already tanned hides but caribou are known for that

has a cow hide
"had" Yes those thick hairs get everywhere, It's amazing the mosquitos can get throgh all that!

"Is a may baby too :D"

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