The New Way To Hatch And Grow An Embryo ( IT HATCHED WE DID IT!! Huge Thanks to Everyone!!!!!!!! )

The chickens were over my friends who gives me eggs to hatch. Well two weeks ago ( when I was in Cali for vaca) the chicken we watched from day 1 was attacked by a raccoon and lost a leg and somehow survived and is hopping on one leg and now eating great. So wow what a story of this chicken. First the first one to be hatched by taking the shell off and watching it grow and now missing a leg and survived.
The name of the crazy chicken that can survive anything has been named Hopper!!!
So this was interesting(and grats BTW!! ) but how exactly does this work? You put a egg yolk in a bag, then incubate it?
The one that hatched was the egg that I took off part of the shell and covered it

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