The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Step 1. Pry drawer open ...

What the? lol .. I have no idea what the round plastic thing is. Anyone else have an alien in an egg? Add water and he grows! Yep, I can see why we were hanging onto that, it will definitely come in handy one day LOL

Police tape????

You did it....sorry, but you won't win a junk drawer contest - you could have packed 10X as much in that drawer

I really hate finding those "what is its", tossing them and then remembering it was a very important, irreplaceable item - I now have a special spot for those who knows whats

Thank you, I chickened out last night and put my parakeets back in the house. We will be getting cooler weather for a bit and I didn't want to keep worrying, so maybe in another 2 weeks.

I bought that color to paint my bathroom with but I didn't like it in there, it does make a nice bird cage color doesn't it.

IMO it is always best to go with your feelings about these things or you would have gotten up in the middle of the night to bring them in.
I do love the color - it has a tropical look and goes so well with their feather colors.

But agree, it would be a little too bold on walls - but as an accent color would be awesome.

I have two!

Only 2? I would count mine, but would need a calculator to add them up..

We have closets, attic, garage and of course table tops and trunks, baskets and of course drawers - but my DH is even more of a pack rat then me....

Better to be safe then sorry. I wanted to paint my bathroom that color and I chickened out. It's still white and boring! Baby chicks are getting bigger...

they are all so cute, glad they are doing well.

Well, that did not take anywhere near enough time! Oh well, I can amuse myself trying to find other stuff to put in a nearly finished box.

The box is what I am taking, the bag is rubbish ....

Ta Da!! Apparently you can never have enough tape! lol

Congrats on a job well done.

You are Super Woman, you can do anything you decide to do -

Just try to pace yourself, be realistic about needing rest and relaxation or you will burn out before the season is half over

How in the world will you have time to get the coop done?
Every room here has junk drawers or junk closets, or junk temporarily
covering dining room table, beds, etc. However, the bathrooms are basically unjunked. You can see what is most important to me. Yep the fridge and freezer are unjunked also. Lots of space begging for ice cream cartons. Grocery store has Baskin Robins -negative pints (14oz.) for 99 cents. But the five of them disappeared days ago. Do have rain checks for more but, I'm sure a lot of shoppers do - so probably still have empty shelves.
Every room here has junk drawers or junk closets, or junk temporarily
covering dining room table, beds, etc. However, the bathrooms are basically unjunked. You can see what is most important to me. Yep the fridge and freezer are unjunked also. Lots of space begging for ice cream cartons. Grocery store has Baskin Robins -negative pints (14oz.) for 99 cents. But the five of them disappeared days ago. Do have rain checks for more but, I'm sure a lot of shoppers do - so probably still have empty shelves.

Is it sad that I'm jealous? I have no drawers in my house but 3 and they are packed with kitchen utensils. I grew up with a junk drawer and had always had one. Now I have to have "junk baskets". Just looks like more clutter in my itty bitty house.

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