The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I'll be happy to chip in for bail but remember, no pictures or it didn't happen. And without pictures, no bail money.

:eek: Those are some messed up chickens. Were they all in a large enclosure but not nearly large enough for the number of hens?? If their general health is good, they should look fine in late fall ... after their annual moult.
I'll take pics of @N F C and @Blooie how about that?

I didn't get to see inside, but I'm guessing they just crammed more into the spaces that cages would have taken up. A lot of them have scabs on their backsides, I'm pretty sure from pecking/fighting for space.
Hey everyone - I had a busy day yesterday. It was my Nan's birthday on Friday (she's had many birthdays on Friday 13th) so everyone came out here for a birthday lunch yesterday (my Saturday).

I had an escapee Button quail chick that ended up getting played with by the cat. I thought the cat had hurt its leg but turns out it had found a huge wad of fluff to hobble itself with (despite my top to bottom cleaning of the house the day before). Not fun cutting that tangle off and it was really tight on one leg and that appears to be why one leg isn't so great. So that baby (who is 2-3 weeks old now) has ended up baby sitting my two early hatchers. They never cease to amaze me with their Houdini skills in breaking out of a cage!

@CuzChickens I thought I'd missed seeing you around. BYC is a great place to distract you from your worries. Hope it all gets sorted out soon for you and settles down. :hugs

@Michelle Farmer-Brown you'll have to knit your new girls some jumpers! It's horrible how they end up in that condition. At least you are going into Summer there.
A place here rehomes rescue chickens from factory farms and they were wondering why the birds from one particular place were getting to them so injured and in such a bad state with broken bones and horrible injuries. Someone who works at the place told them on the quiet it's because the 'senior member of staff' there literally throws them into the truck as hard as he can to do as much damage as possible. But this person didn't want to lose their job so couldn't do anything about it. So awful. :hit
I've got 10 eggs in the bator now @CuzChickens . How about you? Have you got any this spring?
I've been given 6 one week old pullets, and hatched close to 50 this year. Sold 40 of them though. I'm raising 3 Black Copper Maran x Splash Ameraucana Olive Eggers that I hatched myself, 2 Ameraucana mixed breeds, and I bought two Crested Cream Legbars at a poultry show a few weeks ago. So right now I'm raising 13 that I'm keeping, have 35 that I'm keeping in the incubator, and then I've got 26 in an incubator to fill a 12 chick order, so I'll probably have extras from that. Let's just say my parents are very tolerant of my excessive chicken addiction. :oops:
@JaeG thanks! I've missed all of you guys. :hugs
I've been given 6 one week old pullets, and hatched close to 50 this year. Sold 40 of them though. I'm raising 3 Black Copper Maran x Splash Ameraucana Olive Eggers that I hatched myself, 2 Ameraucana mixed breeds, and I bought two Crested Cream Legbars at a poultry show a few weeks ago. So right now I'm raising 13 that I'm keeping, have 35 that I'm keeping in the incubator, and then I've got 26 in an incubator to fill a 12 chick order, so I'll probably have extras from that. Let's just say my parents are very tolerant of my excessive chicken addiction. :oops:
@JaeG thanks! I've missed all of you guys. :hugs
There's nothing excessive from what I can see giggle.gif
Good Morning Friends!

Thank you all for the kind comments regarding my garden :hugs I am pretty chuffed!

Howdy Cuz :frow I too am sorry to hear about your parents.

My parents divorced after my sisters and I had all left the nest. I know they thought they were doing the right thing by waiting until we left home but not really; all the fights and the atmosphere did not make for a happy childhood and we would probably have been better off if they divorced earlier.

Aaaw Michelle that is one sad photo :hit

I have to find the time, no one else is going to do it! ;) Good thing I enjoy my garden :love

Off to start my typical Sunday routine but today I will have to water the lawn as well; not enough rain this week and not much predicted next week .. winter is definitely coming and the wet season is hopefully in the rear view mirror, along with the humidity :clap
I'm glad to hear someone thinks that! You might not think it to look at my constantly full incubators (that won't be empty until September) and my 75+ chickens spread out in all their glory over 5 different pens. :0
I'm hoping to be there come fall. Got 4 coops to build (I have the supplies, but the weather isn't cooperating). I've got a borrowed Hova Bator going, but think I'm going to make a cabinet type out of a refrigerator I have sitting in my barn.

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