The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Morning all :frow
Great news blooie
Awesome news teila

Any pot will do, but you need a rack in the bottom to keep jars slightly elevated and at least an inch of water over the Top. Pots designed as waterbath canners are specifically sized to hold X number of jars and come with rack/jar cradle.

Here are two recipes to look at.|-making-strawberry-jam-|-ball-fresh-preserving-br1265.html

ETA: You'll also need at minimum, a jar lifter/tongs and probably a lid lifter. A headspace gauge is good for beginners as well. Here's a complete kit at Walmart to give you an idea.

Thanks for the info! I'll have to look at one of those kits.

And are those recipes applicable to any berries?

@Blooie good news! :hugs

@Teila more good news! :hugs

@KDOGG331 all I got for you is, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." And that's all I have to say about that.

I pulled into work yesterday cautiously excited to see a grocery delivery truck there. Excitement quickly turned to disappointment and disbelief when I found out they AGAIN delivered the same things they already had (we sent it all back). How does a company stay in business when it's so obvious morons run it? So, still limping along with a limited menu, which is shown by limited customers.

Looks like it's going to be a pretty day here today, clear skies and temp up to about 70*.

Hmm, that's true.

But surely there must be a way to make money without being completely bored. Maybe I just need to find the right job hah

Also, I was going to say there's plenty of people not working and just being in bands or photographers or whatever but then I remembered they ARE working. They have to to pay for their stuff I suppose. They just find more flexible jobs I guess, which those do exist. But then, I don't really need one cause I don't actually have any job in the industry and could just go to less shows. Although if I had a job, I could go to as many as I wanted, that didn't interfere, cause I would have my own money...

Hmm jobs or at least some form of income is sounding more and more appealing... :lol:

Although I do want to travel/have fun this summer, especially because it's the last Warped Tour, but I suppose I could find a job and/or way to make money and still go to some or go to less or something, idk.

But wow that is very frustrating about the truck!!

DH was so angry yesterday it was best he decided to wait to talk to anyone. Between growing up in the NE and being in the Navy, that guy has quite the vocabulary. :lol:

Lol we do have colorful vocab up here
They’ll repeat the scan in a year unless I become symptomatic in the meantime. Yayyyyy me!!!
Extra "Like"

Just gotta jump the trial hurdle but I am confident I can do it :fl
I'm sure you can too, otherwise you wouldn't have even tried to get this far!

How does a company stay in business when it's so obvious morons run it?
:he:he It does give one pause doesn't it??

DH was so angry yesterday it was best he decided to wait to talk to anyone. Between growing up in the NE and being in the Navy, that guy has quite the vocabulary. :lol:
And the people that are supposed to be delivering the food need to hear every one of them. BOLDED, italicized and underlined.
Happy Hump Day everyone! :D
It is warm there? We are freezing our butts off! LOL

Better late than never!

Yes, it's pretty mild here, but wet. Even when it's a sunny day my washing doesn't get dry because it's humid. Down in Tauranga they had a mini tornado the other day that did a bit of damage and there's been big thunderstorms down country too. We've just had a lot of rain.

From today it's supposed to cool off a bit. I love having our fire going but it's been too warm, though I've been putting it on and opening up the house to try and get rid of the humidity caused by the paint drying (and the current weather). Now that our house is all sealed up it holds the heat in nicely though.
It's funny,it's sunny and warm outside but, when I am down in the basement on BYC I always feel chilled. Sometimes I put a fleece vest on and a hat. I think it's because my internal thermometer is out of commission.
DD, just do a few laps around the house. You will warm up.

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