The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Michelle, make sure to read the fine print. When I bought my house in VA more than 20 years ago, I paid my realtor and the seller paid his... When I sold that house, I was shocked to get a bill from the buyer's realtor for $24K. Went back to the sales agreement and yup, seller pays all fees. how did I miss that?!?:rant:th:oops:

ETA: did I mention that both buyer and seller realtors work for the same firm:he
Michelle, make sure to read the fine print. When I bought my house in VA more than 20 years ago, I paid my realtor and the seller paid his... When I sold that house, I was shocked to get a bill from the buyer's realtor for $24K. Went back to the sales agreement and yup, seller pays all fees. how did I miss that?!?:rant:th:oops:

ETA: did I mention that both buyer and seller realtors work for the same firm:he
Yup. Same here. When I bought the house I was told that I'd have to pay my realtor's fee, so I thought that was standard. When I bought the land I kept asking my realtor how much I owed him. He said, in an odd confused voice, that the seller paid the commission. I already know on this one that I pay both... the realtor even pointed it out before we signed.
No, she hasn’t. But she just heard from her lender via email as she got to work tonight. Guy’s got a sense of humor! I’ll copy it here since she forwarded it to me.

He said, “Just touching base to let you know things are still going well and finally give you a closing date. If the damages are repaired before then, we’ll close on the 17th as we initially estimated. If not well then we’ll still close on the 17th come hail or high water. Oh and I’ve added the re-appraisal fee to their closing costs.” LOL So 2 weeks from today!!!

Remember the video of Kendra trying to open the door a couple of days ago? Yeah, here ya go - it happened so fast I couldn’t get the camera up in time, but she figured out that it doesn’t open when she’s standing too close.

No the person that sent you the wrong eggs, silly!
Oh duh, Im not registering right now. Yep, I told him, he sent me some Harlequin eggs too! He claims he was out of town and his daughter's were in charge of shipping while he was gone...I didn't buy that because the next thing he said, was he sent the Harlequin eggs to the guy that ordered the A&M's and he sent me the A&M's to me instead...a simple mix-up? He also went on to say that he had mix-up several other peeps orders, too!
Nope, never again for that seller!

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