The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Morning Grammy60, where is Smith county Tennessee?
Click on it under her avatar and a Google Map will open. Very slick.

Hubby built it for my daycare to keep the toddlers from escaping.
You better hope those kids don't know how to use table and miter saws!

I understand Sour. Looks like things have been cleaned up and hopefully that won't happen again. But gnats being gnats, who knows?
I got lucky. The gnats apparently showed up after I left last night and were cleared out before I returned this morning.

For me, 9 times out of 10 the books are better than the movies. The stories just aren't the same when they turn into a movie.
Yep. I'd read Ken Follet's "Eye of the Needle" and a couple of years later watched in on a flight. If I hadn't read the book I would have been totally lost.
I love the cake & the avy Debby!!! 😍

I'm want to lure @DobieLover over here... Anybody got a long pole & some dog biscuits?
You kill me, Roomy!
Some of the former Cafe members have been mourning the loss of our old group. It's very sad.
I'll think about it, how's that?
Hi all :frow

Trying to catch up, but not sure I will before I leave for work.

Above freezing & raining right now. Gonna be super slick on top of compacted snow. About an hour before I'm done work the temps are going to drop to -1c. Fingers crossed that I can make it home ok.

We've been having a lot of break ins around here, escalating this past week. The other night a woman woke up to someone shining a flashlight in her face! Cops were out last night. They found someone hiding in a shed & had dogs out searching for 2 more people.

Stay safe Michelle...both on the road and at home! Hope your dog is good at letting you know if there is something that needs a warning.

I love the cake & the avy Debby!!! 😍

I'm want to lure @DobieLover over here... Anybody got a long pole & some dog biscuits?

I could bake Dobie some dog biscuits! I used to make them to sell at a farmer's market down in FL.

You kill me, Roomy!
Some of the former Cafe members have been mourning the loss of our old group. It's very sad.
I'll think about it, how's that?

You're always welcome here Dobie!

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