The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@drumstick diva the gold has finally arrived, more of a dirty yellow - probably fool's gold lol

@N F C Yes, thanks did get my DL eventually but I have no fingerprints so that confused them somewhat .
.. very proud of my self went out for the first time and got back safe yeh...
Home. Katie did her usual amazing job taking care of the chickens. We're exhausted but this note from her made me smile!

Edited: so tired I forgot the note!

Glad you got home in fine form Blooie. That Katie...a natural born chicken-eer!
Here are our babies today. They really are all gorgeous things. It's a bit tricky now as they are on separate schedules. The finches still need 3 hourly feeds 6 times a day, but the Bourkes were eating less so I've stretched them out to 3 1/2 hourly feeds and they get fed 5 times a day. So I've got it all written out for the day, otherwise I wouldn't know if I was coming or going! But on the plus side it means we can spend a bit more time with each pair, not needing to rush them back to their nest in order to feed the others. Rosie has started nibbling on the millet we've been offering. She's just playing with it at the moment but at least she's got the right idea. Pie hasn't got a clue but it shouldn't take him long to figure it out.

I have a Java finch on 4 fertile eggs (not sure when they are going to hatch - I've been a bit distracted but I think she's been sitting for about 2 weeks now). Incubation is about 18 days, though it depends on which site you look at - one said 13-15 days. I'll keep a close eye on her as neither male seems to be helping out with the incubation (like they are supposed to). I just hope she can at least look after them well for the first 8 days as if I have to take over before then I'll have to be up all night feeding them every 2-3 hours. Not a thought I relish. But I do want to hand raise them once they are 10 days old.

Valentine at the back, Luvy at the front



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