The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I don't think they'd do that, Bunny. It's in the middle of a block in town with lots of other houses and buildings all around. Snoopy neighbor me - and you are so right about that fine line - couldn't see it from the street when we left for PT.
I am spitting mad!! The big fire turned out to be a controlled burn...I'll post what my neighbor said on FB about it because I know you'll find it as unbelievable as I do! Been done before, though....Tam went through it last summer when they burned down the house directly behind hers and scared her half to death.

Wow, nothing like a free heart check, and thanks neighbors for the heads up.
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Glad to hear that nobody lost nothin' that they cared about, though it would have been nice if they had put the word out beforehand. We have controlled burns around here regularly (fire dominated ecosystem, don't ya know. In fact, there was a whole lotta smokin' going on over at Orton Plantation to the tune of about 900 acres just last week; it was decidedly smokey here, and we're almost 20 miles to the north). That's pretty much seasonal, though; they try to do it when things aren't too wet or too dry in the Spring. Occasionally, someone will donate a house for a fire department to practice on, but they usually publicize it well in advance, so the neighbors are forewarned and anyone who might have a problem can get out of harm's way.
I am spitting mad!! The big fire turned out to be a controlled burn...I'll post what my neighbor said on FB about it because I know you'll find it as unbelievable as I do! Been done before, though....Tam went through it last summer when they burned down the house directly behind hers and scared her half to death.


The whole town of Cowley should have been notified before hand. It would have terrified me to see that. I woke up to an old hotel across from my home burning to the ground 24 years ago. Once you've seen the reflection of fire shadows dancing on the wall of your bedroom, you never look at it the same. Took about 5 seconds to grab my son from his crib and bail out. The heat bubbled the paint on my car and broke the front windows of my house. Still makes my heart beat fast to think about it.
The coop is shaping up nicely Teila.

My cold is still hanging on. I think I've been house bound so long (raising my babies) my immune system is out of practice! All 4 Javas are now doing well. One I did not think was going to make it but it's doing well. I'm not sure the poor thing will ever be able to perch because of its lack of toes but it will be well loved here. We have caught a grand total of zero mice! Little sneaks. And I've got finches laying eggs again so I don't know what to do.

One of our baby bourkes fledged today. It's very sweet and it's two siblings should be making their debut soon. I think they are 3 boys judging by their bright colours.

Our house guest, the ring neck dove, is still with us. We've advertised in a couple of places. My DH said to me "I suppose it could go in the aviary if no one claims it, once it's been through quarantine". I nearly fell over. It is pretty darn cute and, despite being bigger than my birds, finches and bourkes are great cage mates for a dove. It's so quiet though. I gave it a mirror but I haven't heard it talking to itself.

Right, time to feed my babies one last time then fall into bed! Hope everyone has a good Friday and weekend.

So glad you get to keep the dove! My pigeons had been happily coming and going but have decided it is time to brood another egg or 2.
Good morning folks

Thank you for the kind comments regarding the coop .. I am excited to see what it looks like when it is stained.

We have a date!! As I think I hinted, I will be booking the pets’ flight next week for the 12th of May and I will leave here on the 15th of June [ish]. OK, that is still 2 months away but if you break it down to 3 weeks before the pets leave and then 5 weeks after that I leave, it sounds much better
On Monday I will book my holidays from work and start sussing out removalists

J I know for a fact that I would not be able to keep up with your schedule

Blooie I have read and reread your posts, trying hard to find the right words but I am not sure I can! Really? No mail out, no warning?

I know when we have bush fires, besides general warnings and watches etc, there are warnings for asthmatics etc to evacuate due to the risks from smoke inhalation .. sounds like the same consideration was not given for those in Cowley? Not to mention the near heart attack for other residents and as Dawn mentioned, the effect on residents who may have survived a severe fire or even lost loved ones in a fire .. truly dumbfounded! And yes, if it was me, I would be cranky also!

On a more general note .. the burning of houses or outbuildings is common? I do not think any houses are removed by fire here in Aus and demolitions are done by the removal of the building, either piece by piece or in some cases, in one piece by a house removalist who takes them back to their site, fixes them up and sells them to a new owner to have put on their block. Definitely not a judgement on my part but just a thought that that would be much kinder to the environment?
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Teila, I wish we were smart enough to do the same. The US is pretty much a throw away society and if it inconveniences anyone things are simply destroyed. Fire, bulldozer, explosion doesn't leave much for reuse. Las Vegas, Nevada would horrify you. The one upside to a controlled structure burn in my area is they use it for fire safety training. It's baffling. I needed some wood this spring and a building was torn down that wasn't very old but the construction crew made certain not to leave any of the practically fresh timbers or concrete blocks salvageable. Yet at the same time people will sell old barn wood at a premium.
Hey Dawn as I said definitely not having this discussion as a judgement on my part or a ‘there are better ways to do it’ statement but more out of curiosity in that I, probably naively, assumed that everyone did the same as us. I was just a bit taken aback to hear of possibly good timber being burnt to make way for probably another timber structure?

Do you have house removalists/relocators? It is pretty cool to see a house on a truck on the highway:

Or half a house

It also gives those who are not able to buy an existing house and land package the affordability to buy just land and have a renovated, older home placed on it.

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