The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning, Bob 🦋 have a wonderful Sunday!

Good morning, Sour.
We had some supposed jw show up here a while back. I was suspicious since we are way outside of town. They drove right on in through the gate. Our dogs are sweet but loud and large. One guy rolled down his window, told me who and what they were and asked "do those dogs bite?" I said "put your faith in the lord." They left🤔guess their faith wasn't strong enough.
I know this is kinda an old thread, but I happened to stumble upon this post and I want to clear something up. I don't think those people were actually JW. I have run into quite a few people who have experiences like this, and they often receive cards that are not official to the religion. They claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses, but they aren't. Jw would have parked the car outside the gate and walked up the driveway. If there were dogs in the yard, they might have just left a contact card or a tract in the mailbox or near the gate or waited a moment to see if someone spotted them before entering with the dogs (if at all). Jw probably would have laughed in good humor and trusted you when you said "put your faith in the lord" or they would have started a conversation of the phrase. And if you have no trespassing signs, they wouldn't have come onto your property period out of respect for your wishes.

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