the odd things that chickens eat

i made dh and me a toasted tuna sandwich with onions, celery, pickles and mayo. we decided to sit in the new run and watch the chickens while we ate.. those dang birds jumped up and snatched my half of sandwich and they all inhaled it fast.. they loved it. so we gave them our tuna sandwiches and made two more.. we ate them inside the house. mine love spagetti and meatballs but won't touch cabbage
I get a sick sort of perverse pleasure watching mine eat chicken noodle soup!
Mine LOVE mac and cheese. They go crazy for it.

Pigs and feathers is right. They eat darn near EVERYTHING.....edible or not. They don't seem to care for bell peppers though.
Fed mine a crawdad saturday I thought it would be a bigger battle but one hen got hold and the others only got to chase her .She gobbled the dad up!
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My girls go ga ga for "protien". . .. matters not to them if it is peanuts or field mice. . . although I think they have more fun with the mice!
We feed our pup raw chicken. I was mixing some in with his dry kibble the other day and I thought....would the chickens like some? Nah, too twisted for me; although they love eggs.
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I dropped a portion of raw deer ribs in the run with the old ladies and they had a grand time with it. They looked like funny little vultures.

I put a styrofoam container filled with left over fried rice in the run. They gobbled up the rice and actually left the styrofoam alone.

I tried to give them some old dog food I had but they won't eat it. Not dry and crumbled or wetted. Oh well.
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I heard funny sounds outside the window and looked out. There was Jade (head hen) with frog legs sticking out either side of her beak. A few seconds later and with a big gulp they were gone. Funniest thing I ever saw.

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