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Good luck, and GET A PRENUP.

Just sayin'

A girl who had to pay alimony to her ex
WOW!! you mean that happens??? No way!!!!!
Guess I should have married for money. Well if there is a next time, I will.. smiles.
mmmm, hows this for an ad at one of those dating/marriage sites.

Looking for well off RICH woman on her Death Bed. I promise you the last night of your life...

Poor women need not apply... (talk to me after I met above)

Cold blooded I know... snickers

OMG!!! I feel like a dirty old man, Bamachicks..... but really, I want video now..... snickers....

But something about a Prenup just does not stand with me. I guess being from Cali, where trading up Husbands is a way of life, it just looks like a sure way to guarantee you money. it's sad but true, I have a lady friend I have known since HS that does it. She is nice, beautiful but screwed up like that. It works works for her, she is super RICH and only been married 8 times.... Not bad for having never worked a day in her life... I guess.....

Well everyone have a good day. lots of stuff to do and never enough time to do it.
Coffee is always a great topic says the coffee snob

Stumpy you should try peppermint tea. it's the best hot tea and the only one I can drink without sugar although I prefer it with sugar

Indeed! Some of the best coffee I've had was from here in Alabama. (No affiliation).

Thanks for the tip. I will try to remember to get some peppermint tea on my next shopping trip.
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My ex tried to get alimony. My lawyer laughed about it and the judge said no. Of course the judge said no to him about many things.
My ex tried to get alimony. My lawyer laughed about it and the judge said no. Of course the judge said no to him about many things.
I see your from Cali, sheesh.
Yes the judges there are pretty anti men, but then, I never asked for anything that was not mine to start with, so I got my stereo, the bad car, a sleeping bag and a couple of personal items while the ex-wives got the house, money, good car and way too much alimony from me. This is why I now tell women who are thinking about a divorce to go live in Cali for 6 months and they will get everything without a fight. Hell, they can make more money than the man and still get the world.... Most of these women have really messed up men. I would never tell a woman this if she was looking for a payday...
There are good women and good men. Why then do we pick the wrong ones most the time?????
mmm, now that was an old man talking out loud. ignore me now.
another subject that just gets to me.
I see your from Cali, sheesh.
Yes the judges there are pretty anti men, but then, I never asked for anything that was not mine to start with, so I got my stereo, the bad car, a sleeping bag and a couple of personal items while the ex-wives got the house, money, good car and way too much alimony from me. This is why I now tell women who are thinking about a divorce to go live in Cali for 6 months and they will get everything without a fight. Hell, they can make more money than the man and still get the world.... Most of these women have really messed up men. I would never tell a woman this if she was looking for a payday...
There are good women and good men. Why then do we pick the wrong ones most the time?????
mmm, now that was an old man talking out loud. ignore me now.
another subject that just gets to me.

Part of the problem is the rules were designed to "protect" women back before there was "equal opportunity" - a woman in the past decades couldn't get a decent job, and would most likely retain possession of the kids. That would put her at a huge disadvantage if the man were to leave. However, that's not the case in the nation now - women can do anything they want - go to school, get a good job, etc.
And now anyone can use this to get an easy pay day.
My states laws said that anything up until marriage was the original owners possession (ie my student debt) and anything after marriage was communal and should be split 50-50 unless you could come to a better agreement. So me, being the one with the job (allowed for by my debt) owed him half the house (that I paid for), half my savings (from working), half my 401K/retirement (from working)... it was infuriating.
So while I understand the point to all of this, history wise, the application of it in todays world just doesn't work.
Hence, my saying you should get a prenup. While you may seen "rational" and "nice" now, it may not always be like that. Your prenup could counter your state laws.

Being burned by the system, I never really understood people that went back into it again, unprotected.
I just want to say I am sorry for the subject matter getting to me. Also dsqard, I saw Stockton and thought of Stockton Ca. Sorry.
I guess i should say, I am a Dinosaur and proud of it. I have old values that no longer fit in this day and age. I still believe in the way I was brought up, hard work, honesty and family first leads to a good life. Boy was i surprised when I found out it had become every person for themselves, honesty was for fools and your back was an open target. Not all people are like this but darn, it sure seems like it. So off the soap box and back to my world.... I am so glad I am on the tail end of life.
I just want to say I am sorry for the subject matter getting to me. Also dsqard, I saw Stockton and thought of Stockton Ca. Sorry.
I guess i should say, I am a Dinosaur and proud of it. I have old values that no longer fit in this day and age. I still believe in the way I was brought up, hard work, honesty and family first leads to a good life. Boy was i surprised when I found out it had become every person for themselves, honesty was for fools and your back was an open target. Not all people are like this but darn, it sure seems like it. So off the soap box and back to my world.... I am so glad I am on the tail end of life.

That makes me sad every single day. That's why I love this thread... I come on and get my honest, friendly and like-minded fill up.

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