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Thanks, guys. I planted enough tomato plants... I think. And enough peppers. I did so well on the peppers this year on account of starting early, real early (like March
) with seeds, then out to a cold frame during the day until it was warm enough for them to be out on their own, and we had a warm summer. Then there's the other side of things like I got NO squash this year. None. Squash are some of my favorite things to grow/eat, and grow easily. I'm usually in squash up to my eyeballs by this time and hoping the plants die.

Tomatoes are about done, they all got blight and are mostly dead brown now. Just waiting for the last few tomatoes to ripen on their dead vines.

Made some salsa this evening, I also had some habaneros and jalapenos that my mom brought me from her garden in Virginia that I added. BF didn't know what a habanero was (he's from "The County" - Aroostook, like the end of the world) so he ate a small piece, raw, while I was chopping it. I think he was crying in the bathroom for about 30 minutes. My hands are still burning, but the salsa tastes soooo good.
You too? We live in Utah, and we are hearing the same thing about squash. I love the crook neck, always plant it,and I have gotten three off of three plants! Way unusual. We are usually eating it at a lot of meals, but not this year.
But, our tomatoes are doing great! I have made salsa, and I will be making more! We use it a lot on our sandwhiches of course.
Green peppers. Now there's a veggie, I've had problems getting to grow. They will grow, but I can't get them much bigger than a med. sized tomatoe. Not sure why.

Question, who was it that knows Polish on here? I have a barred, I think, so that could be one question when I post pictures, what color, but can you tell the sex of them a little early on if the nasal area is different. This is a baby that I hatched 2 weeks ago, but it has spike going up each side of it's nose ~ already. Little spiky things? I will get pictures later, and maybe you can help me out. Sure is sweet. Took in all those other babies like they were her/his own. :) And "she" isn't much bigger.

Ok, got some pictures..where is everyone? Out enjoying their Sunday.


Looks barred?

Brown in the face? I see spikes! 2 weeks old. Do spikes mean
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Hello, Peeps!

I just got back from a short trip with my boys. School starts tomorrow and we wanted one last hoorah! We call them "Mini Vacations" and we love to just get in the car and drive, no reservations, no hard and fast plans, winging it!

We left Thursday afternoon after work and drove to Chattanooga. Friday we rode the incline train, watched the "Battles for Chattanooga" program at the civil war park, went to Ruby Falls, Rock City, hiked and did a zip line and ropes course. We ordered pizza in the hotel and went to the drink machine in our pajamas! On Saturday we went to the Tennessee Aquarium, watched an IMAX movie and drove back to the top of Lookout Mountain to buy souvenirs. While up there we went to Craven's House Park and Wendy's on the way home last night.

It was a wild and crazy trip. Tooooo much fun. I love to spend time with those boys of mine.

I snapped this pic at the aquarium, it was under some bushes, hidden from view, WHAT kind of chicken is THAT?!
Cynthia12, cute! Sorry I can't help you with the sex.

Wisher1000, it sounds like you had a great trip and made great memories, too.
Cynthia, cute baby but I have no experience with Polish so I can't help you with the sex.
Wisher, what kind of bird is that? Very pretty!
Loooooooooooooooooong day yesterday. Seven hours to the place where the inspection is going to happen today. The people there are super nice. I got the "girls" all settled in and fed last night then went to leave to check in to the hotel. Dang it if my battery hadn't died on me. At least it didn't happen on the road out in the middle of no where (and there was a lot of that getting up here). I just happened to have my small tool kit with me so after I got a jump, I went down to Walmart and got a new battery. 20 minutes later I was all set. I think the girl behind the counter in the automotive section was shocked at how fast I changed the battery.
I was intent on getting the new one in, getting some food and getting checked in. I wasn't going to waste any time.
Today, I have to get over to the barn, get the girls washed and braided in preparation for the inspection. Can't wait to see how they do. The lady who owns the stable said that they both are very nice and move really well. I am guessing they will do good today.
Wisher, that's making the kind of memories that will last a lifetime with your boys. When they are your age, they'll say, "Remember the time . . . ."

Cynthia, I'm leaning toward male on that chick, but I'm hardly an expert. Someone on one of the Polish threads once said that they could sex a Polish chick when it hatched by looking at the shape of the crest. According to them, the hens have almost perfectly round spots of fuzz on their heads, and the roo's have oval crests, with the fuzz running further down the back of the neck. That doesn't seem to work for birds that got shorted in the vault/crest department, but for the few properly crested birds that I have hatched since I read this, it seemed to be true. If it is accurate, I think it's a useful thing to know.
Thanks everyone, I guess I'll do the waiting game before I decide what to do with the baby. I can't have roos. You that can, hope you know how lucky you are! This baby is so sweet. We get face to face and it does that sweet talk, that every chicken person knows. :)
Thanks everyone, I guess I'll do the waiting game before I decide what to do with the baby. I can't have roos. You that can, hope you know how lucky you are! This baby is so sweet. We get face to face and it does that sweet talk, that every chicken person knows. :)

It's way too soon on the polish. You'll know for sure soon. From what I remember from mine the wattles didn't get big or red really but he definitely got an Arsenio-Hall-circa-1989-look by week 4.

I wasn't sure he was a he until 6 weeks old and he had that 80s hair band look.


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