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This is among the worst damage wind has done here, this was one of those straight line ones.

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Not something I'd like to experience. I think that was the same storm Karin was caught in, they were out at some dog training camp, and in the middle of the night trees started coming down. The house they slept in took a direct hit, but it didn't do much damage. Karin's friend's car didn't do as well, the Ford Focus got about a foot lower during that storm.
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There have been several in the Colusa, Tehama, butte and glenn county area. Several years ago there was one in Williams that damaged a house. Because of the shape of the valley, they are small and do not go very far.

Water spouts are tornadoes over water so you likely have them down in your area.

The Weather service was forced to admit that California had tornadoes when Doppler radar showed them happening so the data is only about 20 years old.
Give me a good hurricane/typhoon anytime. Atleast you know they are coming.

I was driving alone through Nebraska a few years back and saw a massive funnel cloud touching down. I parked under an overpass as close as I could to the wall and waited. Fortunately I did not have to test whether this was going to work as it took off in the opposite direction. Scarey stuff.
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So sorry about life sucking!

cross beak is not an inherited characteristic--it is a genetic mistake--It is not passed on but is caused by an error in replication.

Cull the cross beaked chick and keep breeding as normal. It is not going to become a problem in your flock.
Thanks, that makes me feel SO MUCH better.

Hope life stops sucking for ya.
This is among the worst damage wind has done here, this was one of those straight line ones.

This photo is from

Not something I'd like to experience. I think that was the same storm Karin was caught in, they were out at some dog training camp, and in the middle of the night trees started coming down. The house they slept in took a direct hit, but it didn't do much damage. Karin's friend's car didn't do as well, the Ford Focus got about a foot lower during that storm.
That was a terrible storm!


Alaskan you'll be fine. My mother always said that to me before the dentist, doctor, school etc. She lied like a rug. But, still it was better than being told I'd be awful.

and at least I add a hug - Alaskan you'll be fine
My first chick that I raised up from my super expensive Bantam Blue Wheaten Ameraucana pair, is a blue boy.... so that could be a good thing.... but he peeps almost continuously!  I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with the chick....  dunno... super odd.

I had a black orpington pullet do this last year. She was super noisy as a chick. Figured she'd never survive the winter. Turned out to be the best bantam orp type wise I've got!
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