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Quote: Alaskan, I have a few turkey poults that do that now and then. I give them vitamins from a syringe like 1/4 of a 5 ml syringe and usually by the second day they stop crying. It might help. I hope it gets better. And I hope things get better for you.
This is among the worst damage wind has done here, this was one of those straight line ones.

This photo is from

Not something I'd like to experience. I think that was the same storm Karin was caught in, they were out at some dog training camp, and in the middle of the night trees started coming down. The house they slept in took a direct hit, but it didn't do much damage. Karin's friend's car didn't do as well, the Ford Focus got about a foot lower during that storm.
vehve that was a bad storm.

I lived in Florida the year it got it by 5 hurricanes (including Ivan twice) and we had evacuated and come to Alabama till we could get home.
On the drive home all we could do was cry.
There was so much destruction it looked as if the whole state had been bombed. I lost my home and everything the same as everyone else. I hate hurricane season!
vehve that was a bad storm.

I lived in Florida the year it got it by 5 hurricanes (including Ivan twice) and we had evacuated and come to Alabama till we could get home.
On the drive home all we could do was cry.
There was so much destruction it looked as if the whole state had been bombed. I lost my home and everything the same as everyone else. I hate hurricane season!
thats messed up

we are one or two degrees below the typhoon belt so we miss most of the destruction
Ended up in the ICU in the hospital last night. :/ I had the worst chest pain, and it went up my throat, just squeezed. They got me right in. Did a blood test right away, and of course I had EKG done. I was sweating..had all of the symptoms of a heart attack. They wanted to keep and eye on me, and do more blood work, and do a stress test today. My heart looks ok! So what's up? They say the Esophagus can cause pain like this. And, the Nitro can work for the pain like it did when they gave it to me in hospital. What a night and day. I am so tired, no sleep there! I'm still feeling pain in the chest, but not bad.

I can't imagine losing a home like that! And now, hearing of all of the after another in Napel. So sad.
Aw geeze Cynthia, you are just a spring chicken. Are you taking on more than your share of chores and kids and animals and stuff? Doctors don't know what a heart attack looks like in women, they only learn about men. Did they say how to treat the esophageal problem? It is bile backing up? I hope you will be feeling better soon. Please try to avoid the stress in the world for awhile .
Ended up in the ICU in the hospital last night. :/ I had the worst chest pain, and it went up my throat, just squeezed. They got me right in. Did a blood test right away, and of course I had EKG done. I was sweating..had all of the symptoms of a heart attack. They wanted to keep and eye on me, and do more blood work, and do a stress test today. My heart looks ok! So what's up? They say the Esophagus can cause pain like this. And, the Nitro can work for the pain like it did when they gave it to me in hospital. What a night and day. I am so tired, no sleep there! I'm still feeling pain in the chest, but not bad.

I can't imagine losing a home like that! And now, hearing of all of the after another in Napel. So sad.
I am so sorry!

The Meat Manager at one of the stores I worked at went to the hospital for the very same thing.
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They didn't mess around Diva, they got me right in! Had a nurse explain to me that women show different symptoms than men. I had heard that. Thanks for the hug!

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