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I think this is the cheeriest one. Sticking with it
Everyone else seems to have gotten rain but it's been pretty dry here. Even a tropical storm coming by me a hundred miles to the east only gave a slight mist for an hour or so. I've seen the huge storm fronts trekking east over the northern parts of the country and all the rain in the SE from the same tropical storm/depression.

Finally got blasted very late last night into this morning. Started about 11pm and non typically was moving from north to south. Only got about an inch of rain but the lightning and thunder was continuous and impressive! Almost constant and house shaking. Many times I'll go outside to watch storms (covered deck or carport)... not last night... way too much lightning and way too close for comfort.

I had started mowing one of my pastures yesterday with no knowledge that the storms last night were coming. Gonna be a few days before it will dry out enough to continue. So today is gonna be a lazy recliner day.

Hope y'all's weekend is off to a good start
We are suppose to get sun for a few days! Finally! I hope it dries up enough to get the grass cut! It's way to high for my comfort. A 6' rat snake was curled up in one of the nest boxes and had eaten all the eggs! Our chickens would not even go in the coop for several days. They stayed in the back of the run that we had enclosed for the chicks at one time. It's protected on 3 sides so they felt safer out there till the knew the snake was gone for sure. Poor girls. Dh and I ran it off. Dh said he was not as brave as me to grab it by the tail like I did. :thI told him I only did it to protect the hens and the babies we had in the coop at the time. It's amazing what you will do for something you care about. Cuz I am terrified of snakes! To bad we don't have a quivering emoticon.

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