The Old Folks Home

I just don't see that.... those buggies must weigh nothing compared to a car... :confused: How much damage can those light things do?
Keep in mind, generally they are carrying a load of people in them. Anywhere from a few to 20 or if they are using what is their version of a buckboard wagon that is loaded with bales of hay or equipment, the weight load of a metal wheel compared with an inflated rubber tire is much higher. A rubber tire's 'footprint' distributes the load more evenly than a 3 inch steel wheel and that is where the damage to the road surfaces comes in. The steel wheel cuts into the roads while the rubber tire floats more on the surface.
micro, sorry for your loss. I know you are aware of what you're facing, but it doesn't make it any easier sometimes. Especially when there are members of the flock that just stand out, and become special. I'm hoping that someday, you won't have to worry about it.
Thank you @getaclue. Me too.

To all of you service people out there, thank you for your service to our country.

On this Memorial Day, remember. And if you love your freedom, thank a veteran.
Just got in from doing a run. Weight is up. Time to throw on the brakes and get exercising so I can drop the extra pounds.

So good to know there are good people still around.

SGC, DH and I used to live next to a small 'ancient' cemetery. It was kept well groomed but there were a lot of tombstones that needed releveled and repaired. Nobody had been buried in it for decades but there were some Civil War men buried there. Every Memorial Day the local honor guard (all older men and volunteers) from the VFW would come out and do a military salute. One year they asked DH and I to join them as they were short a couple of honor guards. As we have collected military weapons for years, we eagerly joined in. It was a very memorable experience and Memorial Day took on a whole different meaning for us.

Thank you for the kind words, @chickadoodles. Yep, I well know what I am facing but in for a penny, in for a pound as they say. No new cases of OMD for over a year now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best at this point, but won't let myself get overly confident.
I don't care for the taste of a dish when they overwhelm it with cilantro. A little goes a long way. My husband, on the other hand, complains that it tastes like soap, and when we eat Mexican food, he asks they not put any cilantro in his food. One of the times we were out eating Mexican food, and Dh requested no cilantro, the waiter mentioned that a lot of people say it tastes like soap to them. I googled it. Approx. 50% of the population does not like cilantro, because it tastes like soap to them. I was surprised.
I was one of those the first time.... and on occasion i tast the soap... I focus in on the yummy part. maybe because I mix it with Onions...

I have something I want to share. I went to the dollar store to get some flowers, and a couple flags to put on gravesites of family members today. At the store, my granddaughter had lots of questions, and comments. When we got to the checkout line, I was behind a young black couple. It took a minute to find the plastic divider to separate purchases, but we found it, and put it there, as I reassured the couple not to worry, I would stop it at my stuff, so they wouldn't have to pay for it.

My granddaughter distracted me with more questions, and the cashier told the man of the couple ahead of me his total. I looked, and the cashier had included my stuff in their total. I told her I didn't understand why it had not stopped at the divider, but to please take my items off his bill, I would pay for my stuff. The cashier told me the couple had requested to pay for my items. I looked at them, and they smiled. I asked if they were sure, since I had the money to pay for my items. They smiled, and reassured me that they wanted to pay for my flowers, and flags.

I thanked them, with tears in my eyes, and told them I would pray for them. They smiled, and told me that right now, they could use all the prayers they could get. That couple did a lot more for me than just buy those flowers. They restored some of my hope in humanity. There was no black vs white, or white vs black. Just a kind couple doing something nice for someone. While there seems to be so much division in our country today, it proves that not everyone is buying into it, and some are still doing the right thing, helping others, and making a difference with acts of kindness. I am keeping my promise to pray for them.

What a wonderful testament to human nature at it's best
Morning all
We all got up early this morning, and headed to 2 cemeteries. 1. Is where my first granddaughter is buried. We put flowers, then explored. There are a few sections where the graves are over 130 years old. One man served in the 6th cavalry. I explained why there was a penny on the graves of the soldiers, and finally got the 2 year old to stop taking the pennies. Don't worry, we put them right back when she grabbed them, but it took a little to get her under control with it. 2. Is where most of my family is buried. I explained to the kids that their great great grandparents were there, their great great aunts, and uncles, etc. We put flowers, and a flag on one of my uncle's graves. I don't know why, but they never put a flag on his, so we've always done it. After we finished at the second cemetery, we went for ice cream. We managed to get back home before the rain set in.
We all got up early this morning, and headed to 2 cemeteries. 1. Is where my first granddaughter is buried. We put flowers, then explored. There are a few sections where the graves are over 130 years old. One man served in the 6th cavalry. I explained why there was a penny on the graves of the soldiers, and finally got the 2 year old to stop taking the pennies. Don't worry, we put them right back when she grabbed them, but it took a little to get her under control with it. 2. Is where most of my family is buried. I explained to the kids that their great great grandparents were there, their great great aunts, and uncles, etc. We put flowers, and a flag on one of my uncle's graves. I don't know why, but they never put a flag on his, so we've always done it. After we finished at the second cemetery, we went for ice cream. We managed to get back home before the rain set in.
sounds lovely

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