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Quote: THank you-- will remind him!!

Quote: Chicken pox is the set up for getting shingles-- the virus sits dormant in the nerve cells until a body is bady stressed or run down. ( DH was both.)

Someone asked what the tubes were made out of in that little honey bee I is the answer he gave me.

Cynthia...The little tubes are made from the reeds that are down around the lake. Not the native reeds but those really tall ones that have become a problem. I used the bottom feet of the reed because it is thicker and bigger round. They are jointed so they work out really good. I used different lengths of 3-6 inches. If the bees nest in them then i can see what length they prefer and make all of them that length next spring. You can actually buy man made ones on line that you can reused but i figure why waist money when the reeds are free.
Thank you!! I was thinking about this this morning-- and looky what you posted for me. I know the reeds he is probably talking about-- here the problem one is PHragmites, not sure on the spelling.

We do put ACV in our adult flocks water. It is okay to put it in chicks water?
I have it in for my chicks as it keeps the water fresh. 2 liter bottle for 3 chicks.
We get a ton of wind in the foothills. Too though not as much as the west side of the Valley we can get winds over 70 miles and hour from time to time. We get twice as much rain as Sacramento though only a hour away. We get snow too though this year only twice. Its also much cooler. Rarely getting to a hundred though we do get a lot of 90's here. When Sacramento is 110 we are usually 100 but with all the trees it cools down quicker.
With your dryer air, it probably cools off nicely at night. In the dog days of summer, it often only gets down into the 80s here at night. That's the part I hate. No relief.

We do put ACV in our adult flocks water. It is okay to put it in chicks water?
Sure, it can't hurt. For shipped chicks I put some sugar or agave nectar in the water for an energy boost. Not much though. The A.N. dissolves easily in the lukewarm water.


I think it is about 1 tablespoon per gallon. It doesn't have to be exact. I just guestimate when I pour it in.

Shingles seeems to affect people over 50-- wonder why the testing limits the age to 60?? Bet it was an age picked to show the vaccine was effective . . .maybe the 50-60 year old bunch are less suseptable than over 60--

Chicken pox is the set up for getting shingles-- the virus sits dormant in the nerve cells until a body is bady stressed or run down. ( DH was both.)

I have it in for my chicks as it keeps the water fresh. 2 liter bottle for 3 chicks.

Shoot now I know cannot miss this vaccination....stress and run down is my two middle names!

What is the ratio of ACV to water? Right now I have not gone past using small cat food tins for the chicks. DH is bringing a small chicken waterer so I will set that up and add it.
Sure, it can't hurt. For shipped chicks I put some sugar or agave nectar in the water for an energy boost. Not much though. The A.N. dissolves easily in the lukewarm water.
Do you ever give do this for hatched eggs? I was thinking it was like Gatorade for chickens but better with Agave Nector. Would honey work as well? I am putting together a cheat sheet for DH.
Quote: 2-3 tsp per gallon. I fill a 2 liter soda bottle and add a splash of unpasturized ACV. Water stays fresh and the birds get a little soing of good bugs. THe rabbit water is the same.

DIet and exercise can go a long way to reduce the effects of "stress and run down." Pitch the bread to the chickens , and fill up on a wide vareity of vegetable, especially the green leafy types. I recently tried eating flat leaf parsley as a salad and it is rather flavorful. Curley parsley is rabbit food
-- flat leaf flavor is much better. Arugala aka rocket adds a nice hot bite to a plate of mixed salad greens. My youngest eats tomoatos like it was an apple. I prefer just 1-2 grape tomatos in a salad. 1000 ways to eat vegies and fruits.

Quote: Yes that is right. FInd UNPASTURIZED apple cider vinegar. BRaggs is more expensive but IMO has a better ( higher) concentration of microbes.

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