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Yesterday, when Dh went to pick up the grands from school, the back passenger side window rolled all the way down, by itself. He couldn't get it up (I'm not touching that with a 10 ft. pole). After loading up the kids, he went to the Ford place. Yeah, it's a known problem. They used the cheapest, made in China, switches, that can't do the job, and fail quickly. The master switch has to be replaced. No, they didn't have one in stock, didn't have that one on any other vehicle on their lot, so they couldn't even put one in long enough to roll the window up, then remove it until a replacement arrived. We had to cover the window, until the part comes in, and they fix it.

Today, Dh went to pick up the grands from school, and suddenly the truck started squealing loudly, and was hard to drive. They're back at the Ford place, waiting for the verdict. I told him, if they can't fix it today, make them give a courtesy vehicle. I'm not going all weekend without a vehicle. It seems every known problem they've ever had with a Ford vehicle, has afflicted my truck. The reason we got a new truck in the first place, was that my other truck was 20 years old, and we wanted something more reliable. Silly us!

Dh just called. The differential locked up. They knew what the problem was, and have fixed it. They assured Dh it is fine now, and won't give any further problems.
You have really been through the mill with that!
Sour, there is a Ford dealership in Tampa that many people won't do business with, because they're a "dirty" dealership. They do things like screwing people out of their rebates, don't honor the "freebies" that they agree to add on, etc. The dealership we use is smaller, and closer to us. They're really good to work with, and have a good reputation.

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