The Olive-Egger thread!

[COLOR=0000FF]Very exciting!!  I set on Monday…oh boy, gonna be a long winter.[/COLOR]

I love your new avatar. So cute. Thank you! My alpha doe, Lily, was bred in December, she's got a good udder on her, so I'm hoping for some good millers out of her. I have a friend with a Dwarf Nubian, she had a heck of a time finding a buck to breed to.
What did you set?

Sorry missed this one! I set Porcelain D'Uccles and Partridge Orpingtons. Still testing the fertility on the Orpingtons. I picked up a pair of D'Uccles at the Northeastern Poultry Congress this weekend and the cockerel is in my basement crowing his head off!
Those are F1!? They are amazing. Can you cross back to a cockerel carrying the blue gene? I wonder how that would go...
Yes they are F1. The darkest olive are the results of an Isbar roo over FBCM hens and the others are a cross of a Cream Legbar roo over FBCM hens. If I would have only known that both of these roosters would meet their demise shortly after these eggs were collected, I definitely would have set more eggs!
Yes they are F1. The darkest olive are the results of an Isbar roo over FBCM hens and the others are a cross of a Cream Legbar roo over FBCM hens. If I would have only known that both of these roosters would meet their demise shortly after these eggs were collected, I definitely would have set more eggs!
Never heard of using Isbar (green egg) with dark brown BCM layers for OE. I thought it was just the blue-blue X dark brown. Interesting. Especially since I'm growing Isbar chicks up right now. Do you have any photos of the cross?
Never heard of using Isbar (green egg) with dark brown BCM layers for OE. I thought it was just the blue-blue X dark brown. Interesting. Especially since I'm growing Isbar chicks up right now. Do you have any photos of the cross?

It's been a few months since I took pics, but basically the Isbar cross pullets look the same now just have more defined lacing and a touch of gold in their necks and of course are more filled out in the body. The rooster beside the Naked Neck rooster is their brother from the same hatch. I will try to get some updated pics soon.

I am way behind the curve on learning about genetics but I'm here to learn. I'm currently one week into incubating Cream Leg over Black Copper Manans. (bottom Row) and Splash Copper Manans over EE. The two light eggs are Cream Legbar over RIR and Barred Rock. Will these be considered EE's since there is no Ameraucana in them?
here are my 5 OE babies I hatched from my OE cross hen Ed, and my Japanese bantam Roo. I don't know if these will be considered "OE" since thir mom lays olive eggs, but dad's breed lays crème....anywho, here they are! I have one barred speckled....not relly barred but reminds me of it!
My crowing roo, Leven

Roo, only single comb of 5 chicks. has no name

Mari, hen

Ivy, hen

Woodstock (nik named Ti, trying to keep a 2 digit name passed by ed.) hen

My favorites are Mari, Leven, and my nameless roo.
all of these chicks are showing huge jap traits, especially the last two hens. white bodies, black tails and wings. two other chicks; Leven and Mari, are carrying Ed's tan feathers. they are looking great!
my last roo, reminds me of barred speckled. he is GORGEOUS! I love his coloring! his tail is held up nicely, and his wings hang. I cant wait to see them grow into adults! better yet, see their egg coloring and size!

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