The Olive-Egger thread!

I know this isn't the proper place to put this but I figured I could ask some people who have olive eggers and see what you all think! My OE is almost 7 weeks. Not sure if I'm looking at pullet or roo!



So does my olive egger.....have blue genes? That always confuses me. Can any of her offspring be blue egg layers or only olive?

Also at the time I got the oe I got another hen ....I was told they were both Ameracauna. The other hen lays a light brown egg...but it has lavender splotches here and there. What does that mean as far as genes?
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So does my olive egger.....have blue genes? That always confuses me. Can any of her offspring be blue egg layers or only olive?

Also at the time I got the oe I got another hen ....I was told they were both Ameracauna. The other hen lays a light brown egg...but it has lavender splotches here and there. What does that mean as far as genes?
Olive Eggers must by definition carry a blue egg gene. If you cross the OE hen back to blue egg breed, the eggs will get more toward green. Continually backcrossing those generations will eventually get to a blue egg.

The birds you purchased were clearly NOT pure Ameraucana, or they would be laying blue eggs and carry two blue egg genes. They are probably both olive eggers from EE, not Ameraucana.
Olive Eggers must by definition carry a blue egg gene.  If you cross the OE hen back to blue egg breed, the eggs will get more toward green.  Continually backcrossing those generations will eventually get to a blue egg.

The birds you purchased were clearly NOT pure Ameraucana, or they would be laying blue eggs and carry two blue egg genes.  They are probably both olive eggers from EE, not Ameraucana.

I figured they were Easter eggers......I think the lady really believed what she said....but who knows?

And the new EE chicks I bought are almost a month old now and I swear one of the 'pullets' is a BOY! Lol....time will tell.
I candled my WM X EE eggs again, and they don't look good. I think they died during the second week of incubation.
The shells had thin spots, so I was not especially hopeful that they would hatch.
I figured they were Easter eggers......I think the lady really believed what she said....but who knows?

And the new EE chicks I bought are almost a month old now and I swear one of the 'pullets' is a BOY! Lol....time will tell.
This is why we do single comb OE...I can't tell sex on those darn pea comb/crosses for months!
I know this isn't the proper place to put this but I figured I could ask some people who have olive eggers and see what you all think! My OE is almost 7 weeks. Not sure if I'm looking at pullet or roo!

Feather pattern/color is indicative of a pullet... but with crosses, it's always harder to be certain.

I'm betting it's a girl tho.

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