The Plymouth Rock Breeders thread

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This is another pic of her about 2weeks ago so roughly 10weeks old (Im pretty sure its the same pullet)

See what I mean? hahaha. I'm not a bit different. I've got to band juvies at 8 weeks. I'll not keep them straight if I don't. It's human nature. The journaling only makes sense when you really, truly, know which bird specifically you are notating.
See what I mean? hahaha. I'm not a bit different. I've got to band juvies at 8 weeks. I'll not keep them straight if I don't. It's human nature. The journaling only makes sense when you really, truly, know which bird specifically you are notating.

:( Ha!

I know, I just showed how novice I am. I will get better.

edited to add - I ordered numbered leg bands in 2 sizes, I also have assorted colored zip ties on hand. Next step for later is thinking of how I might want to color code for certain things.
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I am a first time chicken owner and we have 3 barred rocks. They are so sweet and follow my kids all over the yard! Was wondering when it would be okay to put them out in the yard. We would like to let them free range and have a 6 foot high wood fence but live in town and cats can climb the fence. TheY come out with me every morning g to water garden and hang out but when I have to leave house i put em in our garage.
Are there any breeders of White Plymouth Rocks around Rochester, Minnesota. My family is going to a wedding and I am hoping to find another line of White Plymouth Rocks for future genetic diversity within my coop.
CP: I've found that pullets often carry their tails low at first (especially in mixed age & sex flocks) but as they mature it will "pop" up. Check it again in a few weeks.

Thanks I will do that.

I just emptied a coop of older cockerels yesterday they went to the freezer. So now I have extra space to separate the BPR males from the females this week.
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Great chicks. Vigor is outstanding, best I've seen in a long, long time. They jumped right out of the shells. They're intelligent and healthy. Next batch is due on Wednesday. Since the fall show season is pretty well blown away for those of us unfortunate enough to live in MI, instead of conditioning birds, I'll be raising these little beauties out to pass the time.

Great chicks. Vigor is outstanding, best I've seen in a long, long time. They jumped right out of the shells. They're intelligent and healthy. Next batch is due on Wednesday. Since the fall show season is pretty well blown away for those of us unfortunate enough to live in MI, instead of conditioning birds, I'll be raising these little beauties out to pass the time.
Congrats on the good hatch. I love when chicks show such vigor when hatching. They look like nice big chicks.
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