The "Reason for the Season"

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"You can't steal that phrase. That just makes you another BCYer"....

I don't know. That just doesn't sound insulty enough. Did I get it right?
What do you all think?

I need more practice.
You actually do make good sense.
I don't want people forcing their opinions/beliefs on me so I can understand your logic with this thought.
Despite the differences I may have with some other beliefs, I also believe that we have more in common than not.
I understand and get what you are saying. Another way to look at it is if I say Jesus is MY reason for the season it means nothing other than my opinion. If I say Jesus IS the reason for the season it not only emphasises my viewpoint but also illustrates Jesus as more than a fairytale and as a real person. However I must say I do not put any bumperstickers on my vehicles. If I share Jesus with someone it comes from my actions... hopefully

Seemed clear to me. Enjoy your way of life rather than looking at everything as an 'us' versus 'them' mentality, with whatever team you are playing on being the only 'right' one to follow? That is, if you want to be an example of tolerance and peace.

Exactly. And, in reference to this thread, if people decorate a tree, put up lights, exchange presents, have a holiday feast with family and friends -- don't tell them that because they're doing the same things as you that their "reason" must be the same as yours. Just enjoy the time of year and whatever people are doing to celebrate it.


Anything can be an insult. It depends on the context. What may be good natured teasing among friends would be insulting among enemies.
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