The "Reason for the Season"

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I'll take the cold December - it's inevitable. The hangover you can keep - been there done that - nevermore.
I'll take the cold December - it's inevitable. The hangover you can keep - been there done that - nevermore.

Thats what I thought until last year when my brother made us Limonchello margaritas... He told me that he made mine weak, he knows I am a lightweight and hardly drink.... I have never been sicker and never more annoyed when he and my family rung my doorbell early the next morning to see if I was "ready to have fun".
This evening I attended our school's Christmas pageant....not holiday pageant. I've worked in this public school for many years and it's a standing tradition for the community to come together and celebrate this wonderful holiday with their children. After each class finished their performances, hundreds pf parents, grandparents and siblings joined in the singing of traditional Christmas carols. In our lobby at school we also have an angel tree....a large Christmas tree adorned with angels ... Staff and parents select an angel specifying a boy or girl (no names) and grade level and present a wrapped gift for a child in need to be given the last day of school before the holiday. All students in my class receive gifts. Our students are also exposed to other holiday cultural traditions and tolerance and repect for others' beliefs are encouraged. Our staff is wonderful. There are some who may not celebrate the holidays as fervently as the community does but they share in the festivities and demonstrate their tolerance and respect for the students and their families. IMO Christmas is a time to celebrate not only Christ's birthday but the togetherness, the sharing and the traditions families share. I just don't understand all the animosity displayed by some to this holiday. May you all cherish the time you spend with your loved ones during this holiday season whatever your beliefs. Personally this Christmas is very difficult for my daughter and me. My husband is here at home totally paralyzed, on life support and suffering with the advanced stage of ALS (Lou Gegrig disease). So Christmas has a much deeper meaning for us this year.
Not trying to stir the pot, so to speak, but I have been called a heathen by more than one of my Christian "peers" on more than one occasion and it most certainly was not a joke. Just sayin'.

Anywho, I'm glad to see the post. Truth is a lot of people don't know anything about the true origins of Christmas, around here at least.
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