The Rhodebar thread!

My Rhodebar pullet from Secret Hills is about 2 weeks old now. She is growing big and healthy.
I also have 4 cockerels from the same line growing out. Here's one; he's about 4 weeks old (the only recent pic I have):
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My Rhodebar pullet from Secret Hills is about 2 weeks old now. She is growing big and healthy.
I also have 4 cockerels from the same line growing out. Here's one; he's about 4 weeks old (the only recent pic I have):

This is the reason we like to see pics. The pullet on that pic is missing several rhodebar traits... eyeliner breing the most obvious one.
We are not trying to discredit anyone, simply help in identifying those rhodebar which are displaying all the traits they should vs all those that are now out there that are being sold that do not display all those correct traits. This is a big problem in rhodebars as people cannot go on faith that what they receive in the form of eggs (or even chicks if they don't know what to look for) are then being bred with incorrect characteristics and genetics and those are being passed along.
This is the reason we like to see pics. The pullet on that pic is missing several rhodebar traits... eyeliner breing the most obvious one.
We are not trying to discredit anyone, simply help in identifying those rhodebar which are displaying all the traits they should vs all those that are now out there that are being sold that do not display all those correct traits. This is a big problem in rhodebars as people cannot go on faith that what they receive in the form of eggs (or even chicks if they don't know what to look for) are then being bred with incorrect characteristics and genetics and those are being passed along.
The pic you're referencing is a cockerel :)

Here's a 2-day pic of my pullet:

(on the right, next to a Bielefelder)
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Oh good. They are missing proper leg and beak color but down looks good. Can't wait to see how they mature
Oh good. They are missing proper leg and beak color but down looks good. Can't wait to see how they mature
I'll post updated pics in better light when I get home from Easter. I'm not breeding, but I do want the best pics of these birds to be out there. Secret Hills does a great job with their birds, and I want to make sure I'm representing them well.
I have final got a breeding group of three hens and a rooster . Bought the hens in Feb. and found a rooster yesterday . So I will soon have eggs to set . Not the best but a start .
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Rhodebars are my all time favorite breed! They are SUPER friendly and lay all the way through our cold winter without artificial lighting.

My rooster, Rusty.
















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YAY i'm happy to see all these beauties! We just got a Cream Legbar and a Rhodebar, and waiting on a few others from Secret Hills almost 2 weeks ago now (for Easter presents) and so far this little Rhodey is AWESOME! She is an extreme snugglebug. In fact that's all she wants is to be held and snuggled up with. *sigh*
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