The Rhodebar thread!

Any trustworthy source always describe their tinted eggs as a cream color.
Good point. Hatcheries - even specialty ones like GFF, are larger operations, so I tend to lump them together. When I see a hatchery that describes eggs as tinted, I assume they could be any color. I agree that individual breeder probably follow the guidelines listed in the link, but hatcheries are a different "breed" altogether.
So there is no way to know exactly..?
Waiting is all you can do. Mine that came from greenfire are not all identical in appearance, so I am expecting some off color eggs. I need to take some updated pics to post. Will try to do so in a few days, once this cold spell passes.
Waiting is all you can do. Mine that came from greenfire are not all identical in appearance, so I am expecting some off color eggs. I need to take some updated pics to post. Will try to do so in a few days, once this cold spell passes.
We have five hens that made it to egg laying age from Greenfire as well as a couple roosters. One hen does look a little different but not especially noticable. We are getting one green egg which I assume is coming from that hen and that egg will never be hatched. Haven't taken the opportunity to remove her from the pen. Since the egg is easuly detected we have no fear of inadvertantly hatching it.

We recently obtained 26 HRIR birds, georgous little chicks! Eventually we intend to cross some of these into our line to improve type, size and color.
I was looking at previous post #154 & saw that Twistedrooster has a roo with a bunch of extra black. Went & picked up 2 extra roos that are suppose to be from GFF & one has the same look as twistedrooster had posted. Its hard to tell from the pic I have, but the roo with the black is much darker in color. (he is also mean is crap).

These are my pullets I received from GFF
I was looking at previous post #154 & saw that Twistedrooster has a roo with a bunch of extra black. Went & picked up 2 extra roos that are suppose to be from GFF & one has the same look as twistedrooster had posted. Its hard to tell from the pic I have, but the roo with the black is much darker in color. (he is also mean is crap).

These are my pullets I received from GFF

Oh boy... dont be surprice if these birds lay green eggs... why oh why did GFF went a head and corss bred their Rhodebar stock to legbars? to mantain the Autosexing trait? well that is just not acceptable. I would rather have them did the outcross to Rhode Island Reds instead..

why does the male has lots of black? well he is clearly lacking the Co/Co columbian Restrictor, this restrictor is responsible for making a Black Breasted Red bird into columbian red birds, if RIR lacked this trait they would look just like red enhanced Black Breasted Red bird..

I just dont know what to tell you. could you improve your current stock? I would say yes, but only by outcrossing them to good Quality RIR. thats the only way.

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