The Rhodebar thread!


I just got these two Rhodebar pullets. They are about 3.5 months old. Any thoughts on these two girls? I do not have a rooster yet but was wanting some critique on them. I also want to add they are very interesting birds. They are very heavy foragers so much so I can hardly get a picture of them without their head to the ground. The sound they make is very different from any of my other birds too..I really like them.
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It appears from the pictures that they have black feathering. That would not be correct. Not certain these are all Rhodebar. But cameras can be misleading.
This sure has been a quiet thread lately. Wanted to post a pic of one of my little cockerels who just came out of the bator.
The chick with the stripe with the head down is a rhodebar and the two by the drinker are the rhodebars or legbars. I cannot remember because they looked almost alike and they were both in the same shipment container....
Is that hen looking ok so far? That is the roo that I kept. I know that it is hard to see the hen right now due to the wire and distance.

This is the updated rhodebar roo pic taken within the last two weeks. He is 28 weeks old now and almost twice the size of my buckeye roo of the same age. It was very windy that day so I was trying to get a pic of him without the feathers blown out from his body. Please let me know what you think? I call him Kentucky Fry because of his size and I am tempted to putting him in the frying pan due to that size. The only thing that is stopping me is that he is the only roo and so far dont seem to bother my kids.. "I keep a close eye on him when they are around him". Please feel free what you think.


Prince Pancake from a barred Rock hen and a beast of a cream buff Roo with barring on his body. Has red coming in all over his body. First is it likely to cover a lot of the black? And is he a roo? He had a lot of white as a baby. And seems roosterish to me. Exactly three months old.
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I dont suppose anyone can tell if this is a girl or boy yet. I went to check on our broody hen with 3 rhodebar eggs under her. Hatch was either today or tomorrow--I guess it is today! I dont want to bother mom anymore, but took a quick pic for my kids....I got excited at first, because the chick looked dark and thought 'girl', but then realized it is probably too early to tell...Any guesses?

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