The Right to Grow and Raise Your Own Food

It went as we expected (my husband and I). As I have said, our stance is one of constitutionality. The whole issue is, they decided to revise the ordinance for anyone wishing to keep chickens. You must have at least 5 acres according to their ordinance. We fall just .25 acres short of that 🙄

The magistrate was not at all tolerant since we challenged his jurisdiction. Funny how public servants get upset when you don't fall under the compliance of their assumed authority. Also, we had sent in our affidavit prior to our court date. The judge had an attitude as soon as we walked in the court room.

My husband refused to sign the papers they shoved in front of him and because of this the judge became very upset! Since my husband refused to sign the documents this court had no contract with us and therefore we did not grant them jurisdiction over us or our property. At this point the case should have been dismissed but since the judge and his ego were present he dismissed the case to superior court! I can only laugh at this point.

We do have him on record admitting he received our affidavit and we do have him on record accepting the violation warning for deprivation of rights under color of law.

Since we did not comply with his jurisdiction in his courtroom he would not hear our case hence why he had to dismiss it to superior court.

There will be a video going up on our YouTube channel once I get everything onto my computer and put the clips together. I will post a link for that video once it is available on our channel.

I did not expect the case to be dismissed. I did expect them to use bullying tactics, because that is all they have are threats, so there was no surprise there.

So it continues! I know many people may wonder why I am going through all of this trouble over some chickens. I am going through all of this trouble because the tyranny has to stop somewhere! Win or lose I will stand for my rights till the very end and after that. I know I am on the right side of the law. I have the Constitution on my side. I just have to be willing to enforce that and stay brave. The problem is these elected officials seem to forget who they are and what they are supposed to uphold. I will not bow down to a public servant cloaked in the assumed authority of the law while they sit there and violate their oath of office.

Updates will follow! Still feeling good!
Cool, the courts are all corrupt world wide, it's normally not until you get to the highest ones they start to act more lawfully. You didn't contract with them by signing paper however it's difficult because by you showing up you contracted with them. The magistrate, MAGI meaning magician "Summons" you to court and you appear, when they say all rise they are biblically "raising the dead" they consider you dead, lost at sea, they operate in admiralty law (hence citizen SHIP, they see you as there property on there ship) under policies and contracts not law, and when did you step on there ship? Your birth certificate puts you on there corporation ship, we are not PERSON all caps is not English language it's a image it's bable from babylon how many documents do you have with ALL CAPS Words on it? drivers license is one, it's void. Not the real law, Gods law is the highest and it means something even to them that's why there's the Bible's in the court rooms.

All the best with your case though, dictionary to understand words and Bible to understand law.

Thank you for your reply! We are on the same exact page. In the affidavit I sent in prior to our court date I did state that we would make a special appearance under duress for threat of arrest - which is on my chicken ticket. He did admit on record and on our cameras that he received the affidavit. I also stated in my affidavit that I have not and will not contract with the state, city, county or any government official/public servant. I feel this should cover us for any assumed contractual agreement.

I am aware of the strawman -the legal fiction- that they created for everyone.

You are correct...the Bible and a Blacks Law dictionary is everyones best friend!

We will be reporting the judge for judicial review because he was far from impartial in the matter.

We are also filing a civil claim for deprivation of rights. All will be documented and put on our YouTube channel as we go along. I just have to finish the video today.
Cool, good job. Yes very good idea to put under duress as the reason for going. Share your YouTube if you want, either way all best with it.

I'm currently going court for my right to freely travel unhindered by policy enforcers on a public road. They assumed my fiction was driving in commerce an tried contract, I was traveling, not in commerce, not working and delivering goods, they assume driving as fiction in commerce.

It'll be finished soon though.

Thank you. That is the only reason we made a special appearance in their court. I love how they think they can leave arbitrary tickets taped to your door!

We are in the process of doing this same exact thing and will be traveling freely very soon. Those interactions will also be on video fro purposes of sharing on our channel to help educate more of our fellow brothers and sisters!!

We had so many videos on our channel but I took most of them down since we were getting censored left and right. We currently have 7 videos up. We are not a big channel at all! LOL! If you would like to check out the current videos here is the link to Test of Freedom:

My husband does 1st and 2nd Amendment audits when he can. He runs his own business so stays pretty busy most days. We are working on a website where everyone can upload videos without the fear of censorship.

There are many of us waking up from our slumber and tired of government overreach/tyranny!

We also have this sign coming to put up at the end of our driveway. I would suggest any home/property owner do the same thing.
This site also has loads of information on land patents and allodial title!

I love the ending of your posts! I am going to start incorporating that.

I am not an attorney but I am one of We the People who fully comprehend that I have unalienable rights. As long as my actions cause no harm or damage to another or their property there is no crime. The issue with the current "legal" system is that it turns everyday people into common criminals with their multitude of codes and rules to turn a quick buck for the city/county/state. I do not believe I ever said the "right to raise chickens" was in the Constitution. I have the right to own property just as everyone else does. The man posing as "code enforcement" came onto my property trying to regulate my property. What gives him the right to decide what I should and should not own?
Him? Nothing.

The State he represents? The US Constitution, and your local State Constitution. Both of which authorize the creation of statutes and regulations which supplant the old "common law".

Also, you don't own your land. You hold it for your local lords, oft inattentive though they may be (the municipality, county, and state in which you reside) in a fashion rather akin to the medival concept of usufruct. Don't believe me? Stop paying your property taxes, see what happens. Still not convinced, and your property taxes are up to date? See how successful you are in keeping it when your local lord wants to give it to another owner in the name of "public works".

You are fighting a battle lost before the formation of the Continental Congress - before the formation of the Thirteen Colonies in fact.
This is not simply the way it "should be" or "ought to be" this is the way it is. They are tricky and deceitful. However, if you do nothing to reclaim what was stolen from you then who is the party at fault?
Obviously what I just posted above is "not wrong as a matter of law" because if it were I would not be able to have my perfected land patent and have opted out of the property tax system. Even when someone says - Hey, look what I have done everyone!! Look at the information I have found!! Let's learn how to be free!!! -- the majority will tell you that you are wrong and it can't be done that way...yet I have done it and I am doing it...soooo......tell me again how I am wrong 😂

People spreading legal fiction that can get someone in trouble should they follow it is a pet peeve of mine. Generally the reader should disregard everything you’ve stated in your last two posts in terms of it being legal advice. Its legally wrong, and debating the “ought to” of it is political in nature and beyond the scope of this chicken forum.
its been tried many times. its about as entertaining as watching a child stomp their feet and loudly proclain, "nuh-uh!" Honestly, I'd rather watch "Judge Judy", who is just barely more tolerable than the imagination-fueled Law & Order.

I'm disgusted that so much of our nation gets their legal education - to the extent they have any at all - from those sources.
When I do jury selection, part of my routine is to ask potential jurors about who likes to watch those shows and then point questions towards helping then understand most of what’s on those shows are total fiction that has no bearing on the real law the judge will give them concerning the case.
Furthermore, something new I have learned - If you do not enter a plea into a case the court cannot set a trial date!! I have the transcripts and the recordings of a prosecutor saying just that in open court and on the record.

You’re not understanding what you read or hear. I’m going to quickly pick a couple of your statements to show why your legal advice should be disregarded, starting with this one.

If a defendant refuses to plea, the judge will simply enter a not guilty plea on his behalf and set the case for trial. I promise you, I make Defendants go to trial all the time when they otherwise think they can stop the proceeding through their lack of compliance.

“Land Patents are issued (and theoretically passed) between sovereigns. Deeds are executed by ‘persons’ and private corporations without these sovereign powers.” -Leading Fighter vs. County of Gregory, 230 N.W.2d.114.116(1975)

The case you quoted rejected the exact argument you’re making and instead ruled the land could be taxed irregardless as to whether it came from a land patent or not.

I don’t think you’re willfully lying. I think you’re not understanding what you read and hear. From what you’ve already stated in your thread it doesn’t sound like you’ve legally won any fight you’ve tried this stuff with. You just are currently sliding under the radar. Or you think you are. If you’re refusing to pay your property taxes, might better check to see if your tax certificates have been sold. Someone might be holding the tax certificates on your land and accruing interest that they’ll pull the trigger on when they’ve racked up enough on it.
Most of the sites I (quickly) perused were about making money. Buy the property at 60-80% off, then turn around and sell.

For people reading this who don't know how it works, at least in Michigan, I'll describe our experience with buying that foreclosed property. (Long story coming...)

I saw the notice on the door, and being a concerned neighbor, all right, snoopy, I went up on the porch and read it. WOW! Frank's old house is being foreclosed! Call hubby... do we want to buy Frank's old house for $21K? YES!!! The reason for the caps and exclamation points is not the house, it's the 5 acres of land.

I called someone I know who knows more about these things. He told me what to do. Call the bank listed on the that notice. Find out more about when/where the sale will be. All I have to do is better that offer by $1.00, and if no one out bids me, it's ours. The bank told me they would rather someone bought it; they didn't want to deal with property, they liked money better.

The sale is literally on the courthouse steps. (Used to be in the lobby, but not since 9/11.) There is a sheriff and whoever else knows about this sale, which was listed in some public forum. Website/paper, dunno. I knew of it because of this property. There was one man from a local real estate office, and hubby and me. The sheriff read through the list, and got to Frank's, and I made them all laugh by raising my hand and saying, "Ooo! I want that one!" Ok, I was so excited, I bounced up and down.

Next step, you have to come back with the entire amount in cash, well, cashier's check. So we get the exact price, go to the bank, and get the check. (I had set this up before hand, and gotten a loan.) Some more paper work, and then wait a year.

The person who owned the property (Frank) had 1 year to redeem the property by paying us whatever we paid ($21K), plus any interest, plus any expenses we may have incurred. The knowledgeable person told me he had never heard of a residential property being redeemed. (Commercial property was a different ballgame.)

One year to the day, cold snowy day in March, we go out and start cleaning the place up. When Frank (or whoever) left, he took some stuff, left a lot of junk. I don't think Frank was the one who totally trashed the place, though. Unless he was that angry or crazy, and he might have been. And, he left the door open. And the raccoons moved in.

So far, we have patched the hole in the roof. It needs to be totally gutted, that's for sure. Raccoons make a mess. We've gotten a lot of the mess out: Four 20 yd dumpsters. We haven't done much else. Because once we fix it up, what do we do?

Rent it out...? ok, to whom? We're BLESSED with great neighbors, and don't want to end up with crappy ones. Sell it? NO!!! for the same reason. So there it sits. Not costing much in property taxes, because it's uninhabitable as it sits. No electricity, no heat, no water. If we fix it up, the tax situation will change.

We enjoy having the property, though. There is a garage near the house for storage, and then there's that huge pole barn too. Hubby wants to fix that up for a workshop. That will eventually happen.

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