The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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Going to talk a little about natural feeding cycles tonight before hitting the hay.  I've brushed on this subject a time or two but it came up on the OT thread and I think it's an important part of the natural health for chickens.  Over the years I've noticed certain things about how chickens live on free range and the trends in their production levels and such, so I try to mimic those trends and cycles as much as possible and it makes for a predictable flock. 

Bee thanks for taking the time to lay that out - good reading.
I am having a cup of coffee before it gets light enough to go out and fortify the winter pen to protect the survivors against the hawk/eagle/owl that took Isabella and the poor little ba hen yesterday.

Had a happy thought though - snow isn't starting for a few hours, so I will have time to scrounge some more leaves from the woods - since the pen will be enclosed with snow fencing, I can dump all the leaves in there that I can get and they won't blow away.

Imagine how nice that will be for the hens - a couple of good inches of leaves and grasses from the woods.

Now, I have to find the video on gutting a chicken so when I examine isabella's body I have an idea of what I am looking at. Somehow I don't think it will be as clear to me as when Bee showed us the organs of one of her culls:/
This isn't the first time I've gotten emotional over this thread....I have a soft spot in my heart for all you folks and you make me cry while I'm laughing and smiling sometimes and I ain't ashamed to admit it!
Pssst! Don't tell Al!

Melabella, that was just the cutest video!

Me either all! I'm on here as much as I can be laughing and crying at you all.......And I am very BeeThankful!
very clear ,even us newbies should be able to follow that Bee


Very, very clear and Bee I have to tell you...your words just flow! I wish I could put down what I'm thinking as clearly as have a talent (from God)'s like reading poetry!
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