The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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And I also think you are right....jeans and leather is a good term for it, though it might be more accurate to say duck cloth or canvas instead of leather...Bee can't afford leather!

There's something other than jeans??? Oh, you mean my sweat pants! Whew! Ya had me goin' there for a minute....

Yes leather - like belts to hold up our old jeans and curled-up work boots! Boot leather, baby! That's how I roll!

Oh - and my saddle is leather - but its 25 years old and I saved up forever for that thing!

Yeah - I'm with you, Bee! I'd love to have the folks on this thread live on surrounding farms. Think of all the trouble we could get into!
Bee.....we are getting ready to go outside and build wooden trough feeder....but I need to ask you something. We also have some pvc pipe 4". Will that be easier to clean or do you like the wood? And if I don't quit running back and forth to the computer to read I won't get anything done.....
Ok great thanks. I will leave things be since it working well as is. THANK YOU

Awwwwww...look! AFL has eggum's in her avatar!!!

She waited patiently, more patient than most folks on here, so I give her props for knowing that everything really good takes time. Those hens who mature later will lay longer and are more true to their original type/breed than are the ones that pop into maturity too young.
Bee.....we are getting ready to go outside and build wooden trough feeder....but I need to ask you something. We also have some pvc pipe 4". Will that be easier to clean or do you like the wood? And if I don't quit running back and forth to the computer to read I won't get anything done.....

PVC is excellent and I think you will like it more. It will be easier to clean and will last forever. Takes the work out of building feeders when you can stick in a natural shape like that.
PVC is excellent and I think you will like it more. It will be easier to clean and will last forever. Takes the work out of building feeders when you can stick in a natural shape like that.

Thank you Bee......PVC it is.......I'll post picture of our monstrosity later today or tomorrow.....
Quote: Yes I was very patient....I think Bossy Hen got sick of me asking her if today was the day

But after finding this forumn before I got the hens I still thought I would get eggs by October.....but then I found the OT thread and learned they are heritage breed & lay later. After all the knowledge I learned on here I was glad they waitied to lay......I want these hens to last as long as yours do Bee........its only a small backyard flock but they are going to get the best for them. And by that I mean just being a chicken.....with good FF & DL and plenty of foraging.

Cuz I know I have the best eggs around here.....even if I havent cracked open one of the pullet eggs yet......The shell is def harder than store bought eggs. I am going to make a batch of christmas with pullet eggs & one with store bought eggs..... wanna guess which one is going to taste better??

(And I cant wait for the hoop coop.........trying to reach into a doll house coop to get an egg on the floor when only the roof opens or a 2"x6" door is for the birds & I am only 5'2" !!!)
And don't be surprised if we show up in jeans, sweatshirt jacket, and duck boots caked with . . . poo!

Another good benefit of FF . . . got to work the other day and crossed my legs only to find a huge hunk of chicken poo stuck to the instep of my shoe. The good news was that - due to the FF - it didn't smell so no one knew!
Yes I was very patient....I think Bossy Hen got sick of me asking her if today was the day

But after finding this forumn before I got the hens I still thought I would get eggs by October.....but then I found the OT thread and learned they are heritage breed & lay later. After all the knowledge I learned on here I was glad they waitied to lay......I want these hens to last as long as yours do Bee........its only a small backyard flock but they are going to get the best for them. And by that I mean just being a chicken.....with good FF & DL and plenty of foraging.

Cuz I know I have the best eggs around here.....even if I havent cracked open one of the pullet eggs yet......The shell is def harder than store bought eggs. I am going to make a batch of christmas with pullet eggs & one with store bought eggs..... wanna guess which one is going to taste better??

(And I cant wait for the hoop coop.........trying to reach into a doll house coop to get an egg on the floor when only the roof opens or a 2"x6" door is for the birds & I am only 5'2" !!!)
Forgive me armorfirelady if it was posted, may I ask how old they were when they started laying, and also what breed of heritage layers do you have. I am curious!

Charlotte shouts out a big Good Mornin all! She's growin up ain't she?

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