The Search for Santa 2009!

Good luck with the search!!
Good luck with the search!!

Thanks! Be sure to check back here Christmas Eve, because I'm planning on being here to update for you guys while the camera is set up and before I go to bed.
Sorry, you'll never find him. He was accidentally fired on by a SAM battery on December 24, 1987, after his sleigh was mistaken for a MiG-19 flying over Washington, DC. Nobody has seen him since.

I am SO sorry, I've been waiting for weeks for a chance to say that!
If I offended anyone, sorry. I just have a slightly disturbing sense of slightly morbid humor.
LOL sure....... at first I thought you were being serious about it and were just trying to discourage me. LOL

6 mores days until Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what we're planning is to do is burrow my dad's laptop, which has a webcam and can record things. Then we will set it up and stay up late tracking Santa on I wrote a letter to Santa that I'm going to leave out on the kitchen counter with the cookies and milk, like my family always does. I know many of you are reading this and thinking, "Is she serious???" well, make fun of me all you want. It's called faith.

Anyway, I wrote in my letter saying Merry Christmas bla blah blah.....I thanked him for letting us see him last year....blah blah...and then I asked him if he wouldn't mind us setting up the camera to prove that he's real. I told him we would really appreciate it.
You see, every time someone sets up a camera to try to catch Santa, they do it secretly, right? They do it behind his back, because they think he won't find out. Well, has anyone even TRIED to ask his permission first? Has anyone purposely let him know about it so he wouldn't be like offended or mad or something? I don't think so. So, I have faith that this will work. It worked last year, when I asked if he could let us see him and prove that he was real, and he did. He only lets you see him when he wants to be seen. And when you secretly put a camera up, he won't want to be captured. But if we let him know and if we kindly ask him if he minds it and say that we would appreciate it, maybe, just maybe, he will want to be seen.

We will find out in 5 days, a.k.a on Christmas Eve.

Happy Holidays and wish us luck!!!
Hey everyone! I just found this video on Check it out!
The video is of Santa Claus being caught on tape flying over Cheyenne, WY by a news station camera (CBS 5, as you can see on the corner of the screen). I don't think the news cast of that station would set that up and make it fake.
It just looks shockingly realistic to me, unlike so many videos of Santa Claus being caught on tape. So many people set it up themselves and say that they caught him on tape. For most of them,you can tell which ones are fake.
But anyway, tomorrow night we will be setting up the laptop webcam! My brother and i are planning on posting it on and then I will post the link here for you guys.
I can't wait!!!!

Merry Christmas and tell everyone about it; we need as many supporters as possible!
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Also, there are about 41 minutes before Santa starts his flight, according to (NORAD tracks Santa 2009).
now as I'm posting, there are about 41 minutes left. But that doesn't make sense. We still have all day tomorrow. Or does it say that because it includes other countries, which have different hours, like Australia?
I've been looking up videos on Youtube and these are the most realistic ones I've found:

(not sure about this one, but looks more real than most of the others...)

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Woohoo Its Christmas eve here and I'm so excited. I think I'm more excited than the kids!! I Love Santa and Christmas and everything that goes along with it. I've been playing christmas carols all day and singing along while I get all the food ready for Chrissy lunch tomorrow. We have a cold Christmas dinner because its too hot to cook to much and it not really enjoyable eating hot food on a hot day(its ment to rain in the afternoon but I'm keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't) Its going to be 30 degrees celcius so its a pool christmas party for some of the family. The kids say they are getting up at 5am ahhh oh well its christmas I LOVE IT!!!
Good luck finding Santa, I'm with you I still think he's real and I'm 36. Yay Santa!!!!!!!

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